ReactJS or AngularJS which framework is more important to build the application. Before talking about the contrasts that both have here is brief introduction given below to simplify the concept of ReactJS and AngularJS. They both are well-known program developing languages that help coders or developers to build an application or websites.
AngularJS is a JavaScript Web application framework originally created by Google, and it is actively supported by Google and it is also a community of developers. As we all know AngularJS created by Google, and according to this Angular is a great platform for web applications.
React JS is indeed one of the most popular frameworks for developing web applications, which attracted a large and active community. And according to this, a vast wealth of reusable components for it that will save the time of coders, when the developers coding, this library helps the coders to write the code that is modular. As we all know that Facebook created React, as well as, chosen a design different from AngularJS but a similar MVC framework which, the part of the AngularJS.
Future of AngularJS and ReactJS isβ now Angular 8 is the latest version for Angular. This is a huge step up from AngularJS. Most of the changes are behind the scenes. The update from Angular to Angular 8 did not change how the coder code. Now Google introducing Angular8 in the market which is the advanced version of Angular. There how Angular improve itself from time to time.
let's get a brief comparison between-
Top comments (4)
Angular has been gaining popularity lately as a powerful JavaScript framework. Can we consider angular for learning and businesses in 2023 ?
AngularJS and Angular are not the same, please don't feed the confusion.