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John John Penafiel
John John Penafiel

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End of Phase 2: My Journey with React

After three intense weeks, "Phase 2" has come to an end. This phase was all about diving into the basics of React and using its enhanced functionality to create web applications more efficiently.

Week 1: Overwhelmed but Determined
As you might know, our bootcamp splits each phase into three weeks. Coming into "Phase 2" felt different from "Phase 1" because I knew the drill—yet, I still found myself overwhelmed in the first week.

Week 1 was a whirlwind of information. I tried to keep up with Canvas lectures and videos while soaking in a ton of knowledge during in-person lectures. By the end of the week, I felt like I had more gaps in my understanding than a slice of Swiss cheese. I knew I had to catch up and fill in those holes.

Week 2: Finding My Groove
Heading into Week 2, I realized I needed a solid plan to digest all the info from Week 1. Unfortunately, I'm the type who needs to understand every core concept before moving on to more complex ideas. So, I decided to slow down, focus on my strengths, and learn at my own pace.

Every day, I isolated myself, diving deep into Canvas lectures, videos, and extensive note-taking. Yes, I was a week behind, but I was determined to catch up. It was time for some hardcore studying—bootcamp style.

Week 3: Gaining Clarity and Confidence
By Week 3, my method was finally paying off. Concepts started to click, and I felt more confident each day. Even though I wasn’t done with all the Canvas lectures, I knew I had a good grasp of the material.

We had an oral assessment coming up to test our understanding. Thanks to my tireless study sessions, I felt prepared and aced the assessment. With just one day left to work on my project (yes, we were supposed to have a whole week), I pulled an all-nighter to get everything done and make my webpage look sleek and functional enough to get the MVP deliverables done.

Looking Ahead
For the next phase, I know I need to start studying at my own pace from day one. It's unrealistic to master every complex subject in just three weeks, but consistent effort and practice will get me there. Coding, to me, is like a game—a mix of puzzles and creativity. Just like chess and Jiu-Jitsu, it's all about practice and continual learning once you get the basics down.

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