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john richard
john richard

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How Long Does It Take To Learn Java? 

Java is a popular programming language powering everything from remote health monitoring systems to complicated enterprise applications. Proficiency in Java coding is an in-demand skill among recruiters. But is it easy to learn? And how long does it take to learn Java? 

According to many, the answers to these questions are tricky. Java has a simpler syntax like human language, but abstract concepts such as polymorphism and inheritance can make the language difficult to grasp, especially for a beginner. Anyone enrolling in Java training must understand that gaining absolute proficiency in Java needs time and practice. 

Why Learn Java?

Java is a versatile, platform-independent programming language powering software development, IoT, medical monitoring devices, mobile applications, parking meters, enterprise applications, systems development, etc. More than 80% of smartphones run on Android, a Java-based mobile operating system. 

With more than 3 billion devices running on Java, professionals with Java training are highly in-demand among recruiters. These companies are looking for talents who can use Java for building applications and managing back-end systems. And employers are willing to pay rewarding salaries to the right candidates.
Also, Java has strong community support for beginners. Anyone stuck at programming could post questions on the online community page and receive answers from their peers. 

Is Java Hard To Learn? 

Java is an easy-to-learn programming language with slightly lengthy syntaxes like human language. Of course, it is not a piece of cake, but anyone can pick up the nuances of the language with practice. With 10 years of experience, few Java developers agree that practicing Java programming concepts is the best way to learn Java. Beginners can start with the Java syntax and then proceed to the more advanced-level concepts. 

How Long Does It Take To Learn Java? 

A complete beginner starting with Java would need close to 6 months to pick up the fundamentals of the language and earn a Java certification. And then, they would need a year or two to achieve absolute proficiency in the language. 

One easy way to determine a candidate’s fluency in Java is by ranking them under the following metrics: 

• Hello World – A candidate must be able to run basic programs found in the programming textbooks

• Proficiency – The candidate must be able to write functional programs but requires reference points to write codes

• Fluency – Coder can write complex codes with minimal support and reference points

• Native — The programmer can write indistinguishable codes to build advanced solutions for complex applications with the help of the Java toolset without referencing guides or books.

Anyone keen to learn Java should understand this fact - programming language is a language at the end of the day. And every language has a learning curve. Relentless practice is essential for building a solid base in Java programming. But that does not mean candidates with relative proficiency cannot get jobs. These talents can work in entry-level positions and gradually build their expertise to move ahead in their careers.  

However, every job role has different objectives and could require other technologies to achieve those objectives. Learning the advanced concepts of Java might be redundant and a waste of time when the role demands only fundamental knowledge of programming. Here is a guide to learn Java online for beginners. 

How To Learn Java From Scratch?

The two-step Java roadmap is perfect for candidates who want to learn Java from scratch. In the first level, candidates learn the fundamentals of core Java, while the next level deals with more advanced level concepts like frameworks and add-ons. 
So, let’s check them out. 

Step 1: Core Java 
The first step to learning Java begins with picking up the fundamentals of the language. Core Java is the mainstream edition of Java that works as a foundation for other Java versions. Anyone interested in to learn free Java must start with Core Java.  

Here are a few pointers to remember when learning the Java

  1. Variables

Variables are the containers for storing data values. Start with the type of data types and the method to use them. 

  1. Object-Oriented Java

Class is a template for creating and defining object data types and methods. Learning object-oriented Java special focuses on constructors, instances fields, multiple fields, and constructor parameters. It also focuses on understanding methods and how to define them. 

  1. Conditionals and Control Flow

The conditionals statements are frequently used in Java programming to define specific prerequisites of the program. Popular conditional statements are else Statement, else if Statements, AND Operator, NOT Operator, and OR Operator. 

  1. Arrays and ArrayLists

Arrays help in storing the datasets. A programmer should know how to create an array in Java or change an element value. 

  1. Loops 

Loops are essential tools that simplify the code and improve productivity.

  1. Inheritance and Polymorphism

Inheritance and polymorphism are the two most important concepts of object-oriented programming. Through inheritance, a class can inherit fields and methods of another class, while polymorphism lets a programmer perform a given action in multiple ways. 

Once a person aces Core Java, they could 

• Work seamlessly with the syntaxes

• Understanding object-oriented programming

• Handling Java Collections and Java Exceptions

• Picking up and applying the right Java algorithms

• Using multithreading 

• Running unit testing and fixing the bugs 

• Lambdas 

Step 2: Framework and add-ons

Java is a universal language often used along with other technologies. Experience in add-ons like SQL, JavaScript, and Git can come in handy in the future. Understanding and implementing frameworks like Spring and Hibernate is critical for a Java developer. Once a candidate has got the hang of the features and syntaxes of Java, its time to move on to the next step.  


Java is a platform-independent programming language that powers high-end machines, tiny smartphones, etc. Based on their dedication and passion for learning to code, a beginner could take up to 6 months to reach relative proficiency. 

Are you planning on learning Java? Then, the online Java bootcamp by SynergisticIT is the right match for you. Their beginner-friendly, career-oriented course aims to teach Java's fundamentals and advanced-level concepts to budding developers. 

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