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Jordan Eisenburger
Jordan Eisenburger

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How to setup Sirv for PWA Studio

This blog will show you the steps to setup Sirv with a PWA Studio 7.0.0 environment. This post expects you to already have an Sirv account ready.

Step 1: Configuring Magento

  • Go to your magento backend and navigate to "Store -> General -> web"
  • Change both "Base URL for User Media Files" and "Secure Base URL for User Media Files" to use your Sirv media url. For example:

Step 2: Change your .env file

  • Go to your .env file located in the root of your pwa studio project

This will tell PWA Studio that we are going to use another image optimisation tool instead of the onboard image optimisation

Step 3: Prepare the makeUrl file

  • Open @magento/venia-ui/lib/util/makeUrl.js
  • We need to export useBackendForImgs change it so we get the following: export const useBackendForImgs = imageOptimizingOrigin === 'backend';
  • Find the following code block:
    const params = new URLSearchParams(;
    params.set('auto', 'webp'); // Use the webp format if available

    const imageFileType = getFileType(baseURL);
    if (imageFileType === 'png') {
        params.set('format', 'png'); // use png if webp is not available
    } else {
        params.set('format', 'pjpg'); // Use progressive JPG if webp is not available

And change it like shown below:

    const params = new URLSearchParams(;

    if (!useBackendForImgs) {
        params.set('auto', 'webp'); // Use the webp format if available

        const imageFileType = getFileType(baseURL);
        if (imageFileType === 'png') {
            params.set('format', 'png'); // use png if webp is not available
        } else {
            params.set('format', 'pjpg'); // Use progressive JPG if webp is not available

Step 4: Change the url params to be compliant with Sirv's format

  • Open @magento/venia-ui/lib/drivers/index.js
  • Change export { default as resourceUrl } from '../util/makeUrl'; to export { default as resourceUrl, useBackendForImgs } from '../util/makeUrl';
  • Open @magento/venia-ui/lib/util/images.js
  • on line 1 import useBackendForImgs like so: import { resourceUrl, useBackendForImgs } from '@magento/venia-drivers';
  • Replace the generateUrl function with the code below:
export const generateUrl = (imageURL, mediaBase) => (width, height) => {
    if (useBackendForImgs) {
        const regex = /cache\/.+?(?=\/)\//;
        const imageURLWithoutCacheKey = imageURL.replace(regex, '');
        return resourceUrl(imageURLWithoutCacheKey, {
            type: mediaBase,
            'scale.width': width,
            'scale.height': height,

    return resourceUrl(imageURL, {
        type: mediaBase,
        fit: 'cover',

NOTE: if the imageUrl doesn't has the cache key included you can remove the regex part. Also the regex is a dirty fix because the urls should come back from the API without the cache key. We only care about originals.

That's it you've done it!

Well not quite yet :( if you open up chrome dev tools and open the 'Application -> Cache Storage' you should see (must have SW enabled) an entry called 'catalog -' this holds all catalog images.

The Response-Type for images will probably say opaque this will result in an extremely large sw storage size most likely it shows an error in the chrome console saying something like "the quota is exceeded". When the Response-Type is opaque it will reserve 7MB per image.

To fix this problem we need to make the following changes:

  • Add crossorigin="anonymous" to all custom img elements like so: <img crossorigin="anonymous" src="blabla" />
  • Open src/ServiceWorker/Utilities/imageCacheHandler.js and change line 98 from mode: 'no-cors' to mode: 'anonymous'
  • Open @magento/venia-ui/lib/components/Image/image.js
  • Add the prop crossOrigin="anonymous" to the <SimpleImage and <ResourceImage component.

Congratulations! You now have Sirv working with PWA studio

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