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Jose Felix
Jose Felix

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Page Transitions In React

Smooth and cool page transitions are something we all love to see while browsing on Dribbble. I have always been fascinated and asked myself how I could do it for my sites.

Once, I was able to do achieve it in a site built with Next.js by using a library called next-page-transitions. It allowed me to create the transitions I wanted with CSS. However, I hit a problem.

It was very limiting and inflexible since it was made through CSS classes. I couldn't create a custom experience on every page without having a lot of classes and having to deal with re-renders. Thankfully, Framer Motion's Animate Presence API makes it possible to create sleek and custom page transitions in any React framework easily without having to worry about these problems.

Animate Presence

In my previous post, I introduced the <AnimatePresence/> component. It triggers the exit prop animations from all its children when they're removed from React's render tree. Basically, it detects when a component unmounts and animates this process.

Recently, Framer Motion introduced a prop called exitBeforeEnter. If it is set to true, it will only render one component at a time. It will wait for the existing component to finish its animation before the new component is rendered. This is perfect for handling page transitions since we can guarantee that only a component or page is rendered at a time.

A Small Example

Let's test what we learned about <AnimatePresence/>. First, we'll test it without the exitBeforeEnter prop by doing a simple transition to see how it behaves.

This website will be a mimic of an E-commerce. It will have two pages: Store and Contact Us. They will have a very simple layout. Like this:

Initial layout.


Our first step is to wrap our pages inside a <AnimatePresence/>. Where we wrap it will depend on where our router is rendering the pages. Keep in mind that each of the children needs to have a unique key prop so it can track their presence in the tree.

In Next.js we would head to the _app.js file, and wrap the <Component> with <AnimatePresence/>.

// pages/_app.js

import { AnimatePresence } from "framer-motion";
import "../styles/index.css";

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps, router }) {
  return (
      <Component key={router.route} {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;

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For Create React App, we would use it wherever our router is rendering the pages.

import React from "react";
import { Switch, Route, useLocation, useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
import { AnimatePresence } from "framer-motion";

const App = () => {
  const location = useLocation();

  return (
      <Switch location={location} key={location.pathname}>
        <Route path="/contact" component={IndexPage} />
        <Route path="/contact" component={ContactPage} />

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💡 Check out the website's code for each framework in this GitHub repository.

Now that we have all our pages wrapped in an <AnimationPresence>, if we try to change routes, you'll notice that the current component never unmounts.

Component not unmounting on route change.

This happens because Framer Motion is looking for an exit animation for each page, and it is not found because we haven't defined any motion component yet.

Let's add some simple fade-out animation to each page. Like this:

import { motion } from "framer-motion"

<motion.div exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
    ... content

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And now the components can unmount!

Components doing unmounting animation.

If you pay close attention, before our contact form disappears, the index page appears at the bottom, creating distraction and ruining the fluidity of our animation. This would be really bad if we were to have a mount animation on the Index page.

This is where the exitBeforeEnter prop comes in handy. It guarantees that our component will have unmounted before allowing the new component to load in. If we add the prop In the <AnimatePresence/>, you will notice it is no longer a problem, and our transition is smooth and working as desired.

<AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter/>

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Components smooth transition.

This is all that is needed to create transitions with Framer Motion. The sky is the limit when it comes to what we can do now!

A Beautiful Transition From Dribbble

Have you ever wanted to create amazing transitions like those seen in Dribbble? I always have. Thankfully, Framer Motion allows us to re-create these with ease. Take a look at this design by Franchesco Zagami:

Dribbble transition.

Let's try to re-create this awesome transition.

When translating transition prototypes, it would be best to have the original file so the easings and details of the animation can be known. However, since we are taking a Dribble design, we'll re-create it by estimating its values.

Initial Transition

One of the elements that we first see is a black background that moves toward the end of the screen. This is really easy to re-create because of Framer's abstractions.

First, we'll create a component that will house all our initial transition logic so it can be easier to maintain and develop.

const InitialTransition = () => {};

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Second, add the black square which will have the size of the screen.

const blackBox = {
  initial: {
    height: "100vh",    

const InitialTransition = () => {
  return (
    <div className="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center">
        className="relative z-50 w-full bg-black"

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Instead of using motion props, we'll use variants since further down we'll have to handle more elements.

💡 If you want to learn how to use Framer Motion variants, you can check out my beginner's tutorial!

So far, we will have a black square in the middle of our screen. We'll use the bottom and height property to create a downward movement. The bottom property will make it collapse towards the bottom.

const blackBox = {
  initial: {
    height: "100vh",
    bottom: 0,
  animate: {
    height: 0,    

const InitialTransition = () => {
  return (
    <div className="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center">
        className="relative z-50 w-full bg-black"

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This is what we have now:

Black square going from top to bottom.

If you compare this to our reference, you'll notice the animation happens very quickly and not fluid enough. We can fix this with the transition property. We'll modify the duration to make our animation slower and ease to make it smoother.

const blackBox = {
  initial: {
    height: "100vh",
    bottom: 0,
  animate: {
    height: 0,
    transition: {
      duration: 1.5,
      ease: [0.87, 0, 0.13, 1],

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it will look much more similar:

Smooth black box transition.

Now, we have to re-create the text. Albeit, we'll do something different. Since our text is not located in the middle of our navbar, we'll just fade it out.

The text is a little harder than the black square because if we take a close look it has an animated layer similar to a mask. A way we could achieve this effect is through SVG elements, specifically the <text/> and <pattern/>. It will look like this:

  className="absolute z-50 flex items-center justify-center w-full bg-black"
    <motion.svg className="absolute z-50 flex">
        <rect className="w-full h-full fill-current" />
        <motion.rect className="w-full h-full text-gray-600 fill-current" />
        className="text-4xl font-bold"
        style={{ fill: "url(#pattern)" }}

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This works by setting a custom text fill with <pattern/>. It will have two <rect/>. One for the color of the text and the other for the animation which will be a motion element. Basically, the latter will hide and will leave a white color.

Let's proceed to animate this.

First, let's introduce a new transition property called when. It defines 'when' should an element carry out its animation. We want our black box to disappear when all children are done rendering hence afterChildren:

const blackBox = {
  initial: {
    height: "100vh",
    bottom: 0,
  animate: {
    height: 0,
    transition: {
      when: "afterChildren",
      duration: 1.5,
      ease: [0.87, 0, 0.13, 1],

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Now, when our text finishes rendering, our black box will do its animation.

Second, we'll animate the <svg/> . Here is its variant:

const textContainer = {
  initial: {
    opacity: 1,
  animate: {
    opacity: 0,
    transition: {
      duration: 0.25,
      when: "afterChildren",

<motion.svg variants={textContainer} className="absolute z-50 flex"></motion.svg>

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Finally, the <rect/>:

const text = {
  initial: {
    y: 40,
  animate: {
    y: 80,
    transition: {
      duration: 1.5,
      ease: [0.87, 0, 0.13, 1],

  className="w-full h-full text-gray-600 fill-current"

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💡 You may be asking yourself where do I get most of these animation values. All of them except the ease were fine tweaked through estimation. For easing, I used this cheat sheet, specifically the easeInOutExpo values.

With all these hooked up, you should see this:

Text animation.

Awesome! It's looking very close to our design.

You may have noticed that we can still scroll even though our screen is supposed to be busy showing our transition. Luckily this is really easy to fix. We just need to apply overflow: hidden to our body when it is animating and remove it when it's done.

Thankfully, motion components have event listeners for this exact situation: onAnimationStart, and onAnimationComplete. The former is triggered when the animation defined in animate starts and the latter when it ends.

On our InitialTransition add the following:

  className="absolute z-50 flex items-center justify-center w-full bg-black"
  onAnimationStart={() => document.body.classList.add("overflow-hidden")}
  onAnimationComplete={() =>

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Animating the Content

All that is left is creating sleek animation for our content. We won't copy the same animation as the design since it wouldn't match our site very well. What we'll do is a staggering fade in down effect on the children. Let's create our variants:

const content = {
  animate: {
    transition: { staggerChildren: 0.1, delayChildren: 2.8 },

const title = {
  initial: { y: -20, opacity: 0 },
  animate: {
    y: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      duration: 0.7,
      ease: [0.6, -0.05, 0.01, 0.99],

const products = {
  initial: { y: -20, opacity: 0 },
  animate: {
    y: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      duration: 0.7,
      ease: [0.6, -0.05, 0.01, 0.99],

export default function IndexPage() {
  return (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      <InitialTransition />

        <motion.h1 variants={title} className="text-6xl font-black text-center">
          Welcome to tailstore!

        <motion.section variants={products} className="text-gray-700 body-font">

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You'll be familiar with most of the properties except delayChildren. It applies a delay to all the children of a propagated animation. In other words, it will display the children after a certain amount of time.

Aside from this, we are just making the element fade down, add a duration of 0.7 seconds, and smooth it with an easing. Here is the result:

Content fading down.

Let's do the same for our contact page:

const content = {
  animate: {
    transition: { staggerChildren: 0.1 },

const title = {
  initial: { y: -20, opacity: 0 },
  animate: {
    y: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      duration: 0.7,
      ease: [0.6, -0.05, 0.01, 0.99],

const inputs = {
  initial: { y: -20, opacity: 0 },
  animate: {
    y: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      duration: 0.7,
      ease: [0.6, -0.05, 0.01, 0.99],

  exit={{ opacity: 0 }}
  class="text-gray-700 body-font relative"
  <motion.div variants={content} animate="animate" initial="initial" class="container px-5 py-24 mx-auto">
    <motion.div variants={title} class="flex flex-col text-center w-full mb-12">     
    <motion.div variants={inputs} class="lg:w-1/2 md:w-2/3 mx-auto">        

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Transition between pages.

UX Improvements

Transitioning between Contact and Store will take a long while since it will play the initial transition again. Doing this every time will annoy the user.

We can fix this problem by only playing the animation if it is the first page the user loads. To achieve this, we'll listen for a route change globally, and determine if it is the first render. If it is, we'll show the initial transition; otherwise, skip it and remove the delay on the children.

In Next.js we would detect a route change through routeChangeStart event on _app.js.

💡 Solutions will vary between frameworks. For the sake of keeping this blog post as simple as possible, I will elaborate on Next.js implementation. However, the repository will have solutions in their respective framework.

On _app.js:

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps, router }) {
  const [isFirstMount, setIsFirstMount] = React.useState(true);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const handleRouteChange = () => {
      isFirstMount && setIsFirstMount(false);
    };"routeChangeStart", handleRouteChange);

    // If the component is unmounted, unsubscribe
    // from the event with the `off` method:
    return () => {"routeChangeStart", handleRouteChange);
  }, []);

  return (
      <AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter>

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We are keeping the state on the first mount which is updated only when a user does the first route change. And, we pass this variable as a prop to the currently rendered page.

On our index.js :

const content = (isFirstMount) => ({
  animate: {
    transition: { staggerChildren: 0.1, delayChildren: isFirstMount ? 2.8 : 0 },

// ...

export default function IndexPage({ isFirstMount }) {
  return (
    <motion.section exit={{ opacity: 0 }}>
      {isFirstMount && <InitialTransition />}

        <motion.h1 variants={title} className="text-6xl font-black text-center">

        <motion.section variants={products} className="text-gray-700 body-font">        

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That's it! Our page has amazing transitions and the user will not feel annoyed by replaying the same animation over and over.


Sleek page transitions are very important to achieve awesome web experiences. Using CSS can be hard to maintain since one will deal with many classes and lack of independence. Thankfully, Framer Motion solves this problem with Animate Presence. Coupled with exitBeforeEnter, it allows developers to create amazing page transitions. It is so flexible and powerful that through few lines of code, we could mimic a complex animation found on Dribbble.

I hope this post inspires you to create awesome page transitions so you can impress your future employer or clients.

For more up-to-date web development content, follow me on Twitter, and! Thanks for reading! 😎

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Top comments (4)

shubham2924 profile image
shubham2924 • Edited

It was indeed a great article. I just have one question that how should I implement this, I want black screen to animate from right bottom to left top at an angle of 45 degrees, just like this website has
Ik its your website itself😅
Any help is highly appreciated
Thanks in advance

jai_type profile image
Jai Sandhu • Edited

I love framer motion for this, one thing that I found tricky was pushing page transitions beyond the norm. For example on I'm using this technique where I absolutely transition the incoming pages and reset the scroll position when the transition is complete. How would you approach that reliably? For example browsers like Safari where performance can result in bugs when transitioning between pages very quickly...

favourcodes profile image
Ayobami Adedapo

Thank you so much for this.

bus42 profile image
Greg Brewton • Edited

Thanks, this is great. Just make sure to wrap your views with the motion.div before running it. It will crash your browser and dev server.

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The best way to debug slow web pages

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