DEV Community

Joshua Johnson
Joshua Johnson

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Who Rubber Ducks?

I am an avid rubber ducker. Do you guys turn to your rubber duck when you have issues sorting out bugs?

Checkout Our Latest Stuck? Rubber Duck T-Shirt
Rubber Duck Debugger

Top comments (8)

matteojoliveau profile image
Matteo Joliveau

At my workplace, we use each other as rubber ducks. We just sit silently while the colleague explains the problem. Most of the time he/she can figure it out on his/her own but if needed we can provide some input.
More effective than an inanimate object IMHO.

scottishross profile image
Ross Henderson

I do this all the time, and never knew it was a thing. I'll go over to my colleague, generally someone who doesn't know what I'm doing, and explain the problem in a way they can understand. I don't want their advice, I just need to get my head around the problem.

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca

I use Jace the Mind Sculptor as my rubber duck. He's an intelligent mage from another plane, but knows nothing about programming. He also has a tendency to wipe memories, so I take copious notes.

monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel

I am an avid rubber ducker. I'll talk at length with my squishy Duke to make sure I've explored the problem enough to bother a colleague with. I'm also a big rubber duck evangelist on the team - people need to know that if they can't make a rubber duck understand their problem they can't make a person understand it!

monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel • Edited


squishy duke, the debugging helper

sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

I have a small, but growing fleet of debugging ducks actually...

joshualjohnson profile image
Joshua Johnson

Lol! Mine keeps growing too!

andreanidouglas profile image
Douglas R Andreani • Edited

for a brief moment I taught you're talking about this