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Jean-Phi Baconnais
Jean-Phi Baconnais

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

🦊 GitLabCI: easy build and deploy an image with Kaniko

I read differents post about image build and deployment with GitLab CI and i would like want to share one tip : use Kaniko 😁.

To create an image you can use the usual docker command

docker build -t <your image name>
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And to push this image, this one :

docker push <your image name>:latest
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All built with the docker image, and the dind services :

image: docker:stable
   - docker:dind
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And finally, in your gitlab-ci.yml, you will have this :

🐳  build_and_deploy_classic: 
  stage: build
  image: docker:stable
    - docker:dind
    - docker login -u GitLabci -p "$CI_SECRET"
    - docker build -t <your image name> .
    - docker push <your image name>:latest
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This work correctly, of course you can use this.

But on my jobs, i prefer use Kaniko. Why ? Simply because in one line you can build and push on a repository.

Juste before this, you need to write in a file your username, password and auths.

That's all 😎

🐳 build_and_deploy_kaniko:
  stage: build
    entrypoint: [""]
    - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
    - /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/Dockerfile --destination $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE
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In this example i deploy my image on the GitLab registry but you can deploy on others repositories.

Don't hesitate to give me comments 😋

Oldest comments (6)

mfriedenhagen profile image
Mirko Friedenhagen

Hi Jean-Phi, how do you handle custom certificates in your scenario? E.g. when using a self-hosted instance with a private Root-CA? Would you build your own kaniko image?

jphi_baconnais profile image
Jean-Phi Baconnais

Hi, i don't used custom certificates. In my case, i've use kaniko in GitLab public instance and private instance but without private Root-CA, sorry.

dcpc007 profile image

Hi, where do you put the credential file ?
Info : I work personnaly with a selfhosted Gitlab omnibus running via docker-compose
And i have windows/linux workstations for my tests/devs working

jphi_baconnais profile image
Jean-Phi Baconnais

Hi, mmh what's your problem?

nijatshahverdiyev profile image
Nijat Shahverdiev

Hi, how to push our image to nexus private repository? i used your ci config but it gives authentication faild

jphi_baconnais profile image
Jean-Phi Baconnais

Hi, the authentification line have to be changed. These variables $CI_REGISTRY, $CI_REGISTRY_USER are GitLab default variables. So you can change these with your own variables and I think it will be ok.