For the past 6 months or so some of my co-workers at Red Hat have been working on a language server for XML. This has been a heavily requested language server with a few attempts, but all of them only had basics features. As someone who is really fascinated with language servers its awesome to see another new one come out, especially one that I got to watch grow from inception. It just released on the VSCode marketplace a week or two ago and its really exciting to see the impact it has on writing XML.
The current features are:
- Syntax error reporting
- General code completion
- Auto-close tags
- Symbol highlighting
- Document folding
- Document symbols and outline
- Renaming support
- Document Formatting
- XSD validation
- XSD based hover
- XSD based code completion
- Code actions
It is still being actively developed and if you would like to check it out here's a link:
Top comments (1)
Such a great tool! Love it since day 1. There's nothing comparable on the Marketplace.