Already having shared her knowledge on #jskongress 2016 (the first issue) in her talk “Performance profiling for V8” (watch the full session on our YouTube channel), we are so happy, that she confirmed her participation and will be back as your keynote speaker for JS Kongress 2020. Please welcome:
Franziska Hinkelmann
Franziska has a Ph.D. in mathematics and is a senior engineer at Google … read more in her speaker profile >>>
We are very proud, that Franziska agreed to be a keynoter for JS Kongress 2020, and are looking forward to an inspiring talk.
Upfront we asked her a couple of questions so you can get to know her:
Why are you looking forward to JS Kongress?
I had the honor of speaking at the very first JS Kongress in 2016. Already a fantastic conference back then, I’m really looking forward to coming back to this event. Munich is a lovely city and, of course, I hope there’ll be some Weisswurst and Brezel.
What do you think of or associate with our motto for 2020: “Scaling JS — Pushing the Limits: Massive Platforms, Data-Driven Architectures, and Modern APIs”
JavaScript has come a long way in the last 20 years — even NASA writes code in JavaScript. Not only has the language evolved ( async/await
anybody?), but also the JavaScript engines (just-in-time compilers), and, in my opinion, most importantly, the tooling and frameworks (long-time vim user here prefers VS Code). We can tackle complex problems with JavaScript because it’s fast and maintainable. And with Serverless and Functions in the Cloud, we barely need to worry about scalability. I’m excited to see what else we will do with JavaScript.
Are you going to visit some favorite spots in Munich during your return to Munich? Some insiders to share with the participants?
The English Garden in the city center is great. Especially a bit further up north along the Isar.

Do you have a motto or motivation, that you want to share with our participants?
“Never stop learning, and have fun!”
Join Franziska, and become a part of #jskongress yourself: Our Call for Papers is opened until October 15. Find all info on sessionize.com/js-kongress-2020
Reserve your seat as soon as possible, the event gets sold out every year, Clever Bird Tickets are available: ti.to/munich-dev-events/js-kongress-2020(We will fully refund your ticket if the Program Committee votes your talk in the program.)
The post Franziska Hinkelmann returns to #jskongress as a Keynote Speaker appeared first on JS KONGRESS 2020: Scaling JS – Pushing the Limits: Massive Platforms, Data-Driven Architectures, and Modern APIs..
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