The world of Front End Development is ever changing in new and exciting ways and it makes living the developer life so bitter sweet. But I have learned a few things along the way that I would like to share in hopes of saving someone else time and effort.
1.Frameworks come and go, your foundation is forever
I can 100% assure you that there will always be a new framework to choose from. Whether that be a CSS or JavaScript, most wont stick around longer than a few years. Learn the what benefits each framework has to offer and use it when necessary and not “just because”.
2.Learn to take break
I have solved more problems at a quicker pace while taking a walk and just getting fresh air. I am guilty of this myself, being hell bent on figuring out a solution to a problem as you sit at the computer trying everything you can think of without any success for hours on end. Just stop. If you haven’t figured out a solution within the first hour, get up and get away from your screen and allow your brain to process what you have already done and what you are working on. The solution may be more simple than first thought.
3.Learning is not a quick process
Learning takes time. You’re not going to write that amazing app in just a day and you’re not going to master a language in a couple of months. If someone tells you that you should run from any other advice they give you. Be patient with yourself and learn in small chunks and then allow those chunks to compound overtime and that is how you began to grow into a true developer.
4.Get into a routine
Routine creates focus, and focus is what will bring you success. Get into the routine of doing something related to front end development on a set schedule whether that be everyday for an hour, or every other day for a few minutes. I recommend not even coding every time either but instead do different things like read blogs, look through source code of some of your favorite sites or use Reddit to look at what others are having problems with and how others are solving those problems. This allows you to not only learn more about the field, but it keeps you engaged mentally as if you’re only coding 24/7 you can burn you out pretty quick.
5.There is more to life than code
You have family and friends who like to spend time with you, you have a body you need to take care of, and the world is full of fascinating things to try and people to meet. Don’t get caught up in the ever growing world of front end development too much, you’ll never, and I repeat NEVER be able to learn everything there is to learn here and trying will get exhausting very quickly. Being happy should be your top priority in life.
So breath, relax, and don’t let life pass you by because you only get one!
Top comments (1)
Rule 3 is worth repeating. Anyone that tells you they became a super duper full stack dev in 2 months lying to you and probably trying to sell you some BS course.