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Julien Fabre
Julien Fabre

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Circuit breaker in Java with Hystrix, Resilience4j and Microprofile fault tolerance

I tried to see implementation of circuit breaker with 3 java libraries :

I implement 3 projects with the same application based on a Microprofile application

All is in this github (with more in the Readme).

GitHub logo jufab / hystrix-resilience4j-microprofile-fault-tolerance

Test / Lab Around Hystrix, Resilience4j and Microprofile Fault Tolerance

Hystrix - Resilience4j - Microprofile Fault Tolerance

This repository contains a test around implementation of resilience and (for the moment) around Circuit breaker.

I use 3 libraries, and I want to see implementation, configuration, complexity and result.

To help me (and for my curiosity of course ^_^), I use microprofile starter to initialise all this project.

Table of Contents


This is a test around this 3 libraries

For the moment, I only use the "Circuit Breaker".

Microprofile Starter

To initialise the project, I use Microprofile starter with this…

I would like to share it in order to help someone to understand how to implement it and how it works.

I hope this could help.

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