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Get paid to write technical articles

Julia Furst Morgado on July 11, 2022

The internet is a place with endless possibilities to make money. You just need to know where to look for it. I’ve put together a list of websites...
colinmcdermott profile image
Colin McDermott

Hi Julia, I would like to add our site to the list if possible: - Can pay up $50-200 for articles related to NLP, information retrieval, or ecommerce. Is there a list I should be looking for somewhere to add our site to?

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Hey Colin! I'll add it to the post :) Are you looking for more technical content? And where should people send their pitches? Just reaching out to

colinmcdermott profile image
Colin McDermott

Thank you! Yes, or via here. Yes technical content and tutorials related to NLP, information retrieval, or ecommerce. Thanks!

abhinav1217 profile image
Abhinav Kulshreshtha

Thanks for the list, Do they really pay at the range you mentioned there. I tried some local publications in past, but never got paid close to what they mentioned.

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Did you try one of those in the list? I don't see why they would lie about it...

abhinav1217 profile image
Abhinav Kulshreshtha • Edited

Yes, I recognize 2 in your post from past, one of them was clear from the start that they only accept writings that can be backed by few years of industry experiences. Since I was relatively fresher, they won't accept my submissions. So no issues there.

There were two more, they published my submissions and didn't pay me. Only one of them replied back that they considered me guest writer and my payment was in form of networking recognition I would get because they published my posts, Other never replied back.

Anyways, these are ancient history for me, I never wrote again until lockdown made me get bored. After reading your post, I contacted few of them, Corbin from coderpad replied back and has shown interest. I hope my experience would be better this time. All in all, your list is quite large and well laid out. I appreciate the hard work that went into compiling this list.

Thread Thread
juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Hi Abhinav, I'm sorry you had such bad experiences.

Could you tell me what companies published your submissions but didn't pay you? (you can send me a DM on twitter if you prefer). I am curious because I'm starting to write as well and don't want to do business with companies like those.


Thread Thread
bam92 profile image
Abel Lifaefi Mbula

Hello @juliafmorgado,

Thank you for this list. It's helpful. As per the issue Abhinav mentionned here, I think it would be intersting to let people know about them so that they can't work with them.

Thread Thread
juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Hi Abel, I agree with you. I'd like to know the companies he mentioned so I can make a note on the blog post.

dendihandian profile image
Dendi Handian

whoa, I never thought it could be this many.

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

And I'm sure there are many more!

pradeepbhadani profile image
Pradeep Bhadani

Thanks @juliafmorgado for sharing the extensive list. I checked StackOverflow link ( but it doesnt talk about the payment for writing the blogs.
Would be worth sharing the references for the article that references to payments?

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

I'll check and get back to you. Thanks for bringing it up :)

apayrus profile image
Rustam Apay

Julia, thank you for the great article!
I am just finishing a code tutorial, and planned to post it here.
But now I'll send it to LogRocket first, to get $350 :-)

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado • Edited

Yes!! Let me know how it goes :) I'm also just finishing up a technical article and hope to get some $ for it.

apayrus profile image
Rustam Apay

on LogRocket: We’re not accepting new applicants for our guest author program at the moment. Check back soon!

I will send my tutorial to Tutorials Point.

Thread Thread
juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Thanks! I'll update it on the post.

sarajohn130 profile image
sara john

LogRocket has so many good articles that I've come across. So much so I created a note file to keep track of the ones I read to keep track of how useful they've been. So far my notes have this one link about a beautiful and light web framework called Hono:

z2lai profile image
z2lai • Edited

Wow, what a list, that's a lot of research! Thank you for sharing this valuable information.

Do you know if most of these businesses stop you from cross-posting your article to your own blog or other communities?

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

From what I saw they allow it. The only requirement is that your post includes a canonical reference meta tag back to the company's post.

rleddy profile image
Richard Leddy


Just about now I was needing this.

I have been fairly busy developing my stack for just my website (maybe should have used something more canned?) But, so I wanted a web3 login. So, I wanted to make streaming available so that people who upload content can share it. etc. etc. ...

So ... yes ... I want to take care of IoT and build a DAW with the same stack. Other lofty goals...

Need an army, but am hoping to buy coffee.

I wrote for Smashing once. Nice experience! Got groceries just in time. I might write for them again. I have moved beyond Vue to Svelte and I might use yet another. Trying to keep the front of the front very agnostic. Trying to keep the backend in very replaceable pieces. Maybe some node.js parts can be in the V lang or in C++ or in Rust. But, node.js now, no typescript just ... just needs to work. Perhaps something is there for Smashing and other things.

Great to get help in finding sources... thanks

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Awesome!! Looks like you're very busy, you should try getting some extra $ from these companies :)

contentlabio profile image

Thanks for the mention of ContentLab! We're always looking to grow our pool of tech writers.
Great list. :D

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado


__junaidshah profile image

Do you still take writers?

drfcozapata profile image
Francisco Zapata

This list is brutal!!!
Thanks a lot for sharing Julia. Blessings

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado • Edited

Glad you liked it Francisco!! Are you planning on writing to any of these companies?

drfcozapata profile image
Francisco Zapata • Edited

Probably... I like to write and I do it, but only in spanish. My english grammar is not enought yet.
I don't know similars to them in spanish. If you know, tell me... please. ;)
I want to learn anymore about JS, Vue and React, and then maybe.
You can read my first two articles here (in spanish) in my profile.
Greeting and blessings from Venezuela.

endymion1818 profile image
Ben Read

Thanks for the mention @juliafmorgado 🙌

If anyone has any queries about writing for Webiny Headless CMS, please get in touch with me!

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Awesome!! Thanks Ben :)

mt3o_23 profile image
Teodor Kulej

Hi, how is your list related to this list?

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Not related, I added a few more that aren't on this repo. I'll probably make a PR :)

angelinewang profile image
Angeline Wang

This list was super comprehensive and insightful. Thank you so much for sharing!

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

My pleasure Angeline! Let me know if you end up getting some $ from any of these companies :)

louisefindlay23 profile image

Checked out the Coderpad link but Corbin has left Coderpad. Do you know of an updated link for them?

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Oh wow, didn't know that. I'll check that and get back to you :)

zangassis profile image
Assis Zang

Wow, perfect!!! This is very useful 👏👏👨‍💻👩‍💻✍💰

systemsvanguard profile image
Ryan Hunter

Thanks for the deep research and sharing your knowledge Julia. Much appreciated.

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

My pleasure Ryan! Hope these tools are helpful to you :)

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Thanks for this extensive list. I did not know all of these.

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado • Edited

My pleasure! Hope you get some $$ :)

medosa profile image
Mark Edosa • Edited

DOWNLOAD this cool content as a CSV File. The file includes the company name, link, pricing, and areas of interest.

I like how you wrote this article in a consistent manner. It made it easy to extract the content.

Here's the CSV file. You can add other fields in case you want to keep track of your application(s) to any of the platforms.

Here's the code just for fun :)

// taken from
var textFile = null,
  makeTextFile = function (text) {
    var data = new Blob([text], {type: 'text/plain'});

    // If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to
    // manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
    if (textFile !== null) {

    textFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

    // returns a URL you can use as a href
    return textFile;

function download(content) {
    const link = document.createElement('a');
    link.setAttribute('download', 'get-paid-to-write-technical-articles.csv');
    link.href = makeTextFile(content);;

let csv = 'Company,Link,Price,Area\n';
let headings = document.querySelectorAll('h2');

// deviated from the pattern.
const excepts = ['codingsight', 'cohesive'];

function extractDetails(heading) {
   // Each heading has two <a> children
    let aTags = heading.querySelectorAll('a')
    if (aTags?.length === 2) {
        // The second <a> tag contains the company name and link
        let h = aTags[1];
        let company = h.textContent.trim();
        let link = h.href;

        // Extract content
        let content = heading.nextElementSibling;
        let els = content.querySelectorAll('li');

        let price, area; 
        if (excepts.includes(company.toLowerCase())) {
            price = els[1]?.textContent.trim();
            area = els[2]?.textContent.trim() + ' ' + els[0].textContent.trim();
        } else {
            price = els[0]?.textContent.trim();
            area = els[1]?.textContent.trim();

        return (price && area) ? `${company},${link},${price},\"${area}\"\n` : '';
    return ''; 

// build csv
headings.forEach(h => {
    const details = extractDetails(h);
    csv += details;

// console.log(csv);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

To run the code yourself, do the following on this page:

  • open your browser dev tools
  • go to the sources tab or anywhere you can paste and run the code well, run it :)

Open the downloaded CSV file in a spreadsheet and add other columns to keep track of your applications.

makendrang profile image

Thanks a lot for sharing @juliafmorgado

juliafmorgado profile image
Julia Furst Morgado

Thanks for letting me know, I'll make a note on the post.

medosa profile image
Mark Edosa

Hi Julia, I created a CSV containing your article's companies and links. Do you mind pinning the comment so others can easily get the file? Thanks.

Here's the link:

ssghost profile image
Consta Chain

I applied the first 20 projects on the list one by one, (some projects are outdated, some are unreachable.), but got no responses of any companies in my email inbox.

Most projects of the list are product-oriented, you must use their products for a long time then you are able to write an 'experience report' to match their demands. But most of their products are not free to use.

If you really need to find a short term income source to cover your gap-year shortages, I don't think this list will do you a favor.

crutchcorn profile image
Corbin Crutchley

What a wonderfully comprehensive list!

I'm the Corbin currently listed on the CoderPad listing. If possible, could I be removed from this list? I no longer work for them.

That said, last I heard their guest author program is going strong and they're a fantastic team to work alongside. I'd suggest DMing their primary Twitter account instead of mine.

iamceedo profile image
Emmanuel Obiezue

Where can I find this kind of list this year 2024?

makendrang profile image

Thanks a lot for sharing @juliafmorgado

medosa profile image
Mark Edosa

Wow! This is a very nice list! thanks for your time and effort. I've just started to write on I'm hoping to make some bucks off writing.

umair313 profile image
Umair Mehmood

what is mean by $50 per piece?

yogesch profile image

Update about Airbyte - they no longer pay $900. Currently it is between $300 and $500.