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Unpopular Opinion: It’s harder than ever to be a good software engineer

Juraj Malenica on October 12, 2023

Working in a startup environment for almost a decade has given me privileged access to a fast-paced culture of innovation, exploration, and a fail-...
miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

For me, as developers here in a virtual community or in our work teams, we must stand together, shoulder to shoulder against the world. We must accept that things change because we are change agents. We must accept that we are imperfect because we strive for perfection. When the room catches fire we run for an exit rather than analyze the flames.

We may hate the situation we find ourselves in, but we can't change that - what we can change is the future. We learned something and perfected it for 20 years, then it became obsolete, our tears give us no momentum, so we must accept and move on.

I love AI, but it renders useless 10% of my skills. I love it because it's 2000% faster than me at that 10%.

jurajmalenica profile image
Juraj Malenica

I love your point of view. Change is important - it allows us to learn. And having a trustworthy team means a lot

pjburnhill profile image
pjburnhill • Edited

Great article, well put.

I would add that the whole premise of 'adding value' is also valid for our life, as a whole.

At least myself, I tend to either procrastinate or fixate on that 'one thing' which will solve all my problems, rather than settle on the solution which actually gives best value and move on to the next thing, even if it's not the most elegant or hyper-optimised.

Much like the sentence I just wrote..

jurajmalenica profile image
Juraj Malenica

I completely agree :)

tac1000 profile image

Unpopular opinion?
I think 95% of Devs feel overwhelmed and huge majority just don't assume the current state of software.
How long can you go everyday without finding a crash or a bug in something you use? If you pay attention carefully, it will drive you nuts.

Performance wise, things are getting worse too. Not only bad choices of stack, but also bad code practice and leftover code everywhere.

jurajmalenica profile image
Juraj Malenica

I'm glad we agree. This is still an unpopular opinion because people will focus on things like - Copilot writes your code, you have great code editors, etc. But they are missing the point :)

tac1000 profile image

Imho, we created such complex environment with difficulties all around, and there is a toxic culture of looking smart.
I think Casey Muratori has been making great arguments against the faith of adopting patterns and systems that you do not comprehend.
I strongly recommend Jonathan's Blow speech named "Preventing the collapse of civilization" at DevGamm. Pretty dramatic title, but I think it makes sense in the context of the presentation.

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jurajmalenica profile image
Juraj Malenica

Just watched Preventing the collapse of civilization - excellent talk! Thanks for recommending

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dsaga profile image
Dusan Petkovic

Sounds interesting, will have to save it and watch later :D

supermari0s profile image

This article resonates with me as a software engineer who is constantly trying to improve my skills and deliver value. I agree that it is hard to keep up with the changing trends and technologies, and that we should focus on the why rather than the what...

latobibor profile image
András Tóth

Excellent article! It is very important to start talking with each other. I would add a couple of things, many of which are coming from other people, some of which are mine.

  • Obsession over productivity: I laughed out bitterly when I heard the notion of "industrial revolution was so transformative because it found a better way to organize people, not because everyone was told to find their own ways to improve their productivity". I think one of the hardest part of being an engineer in the tech industry is constant gaslighting over hyperproductivity, magic and holy frameworks and approaches that can't be challenged. People rather do 120 DB roundtrips in 120 separate queries through an ORM than to write a raw query in a scenario that can be done with a couple of joins and/or a view.
  • Mathlighting: you can't criticise overcomplicated frameworks/languages because they are theoretically correct or avoid certain classes of errors by introducing the ages old class of error of not being able to work quickly and effectively in an environment you don't fully understand. Just take a look how much simpler is overmindjs over the anonymous function train-wreck of redux for instance. Action creators creating actions creating functions to call. Great frameworks simplify problems by bringing them closer how humans work. Bad frameworks make you look stupid.
  • The "I don't know what I want to build, but build it now!" attitude. This is bad management. We can't work effectively if our managers don't spend time on eliminating double-work, dubious requirements.
  • "Silent hiring" of team leads: please code a lot, but also manage people's salary expectations, resolve cultural conflicts between the Estonian frontend dude and the Pakistani backend engineer gal, review code, and also make decisions. But write code as well.
  • Too busy to gain depth because I have to learn fast: the people who use NoSQL for relational data, because they don't have time to learn SQL, because the next NoSQL db must be learned.
ivantembe profile image
Ivan Tembe

Great article, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience! 🔥
You have touched an issue that is unfortunately less prioritized, although very important to consider! As an new engineer most of the time we think we are the problem. One urgent thing to change (from a company’s perspective) in my opinion, should definitely be the “why” clear communication between the stakeholders and engineers, which indeed brings most of the frustration, burnouts, stress, …leading to unhappy engineers & low quality outcomes.

bklau2006 profile image
BK Lau • Edited

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I can tell from just reading it that it squares with my very own experience and observations.
There is another aspect that I think culled many good engineers out of the market and industry altogether gradually over time.
It's employability longevity.
Most engineers face times when they are laid off from their employers or they need to seek to explore other opportunities elsewhere for various reasons. It could be skill enhancement or income boost that they need or a career move.
The following statements resonate with me:
"That is why we never put language/framework requirements in our job descriptions. I would be a fool to miss a talented engineer because they don’t know TypeScript, prompt engineering, or microservices."

Maybe I should add "We don't care if you can flip a binary tree unless your job is to design the most efficient algorithm library; otherwise, we think you can look up CLRS book"

Most tech interviews these days are just joy killers of the "whiteboard data structures and algo" hazing kind without regard to a professional engineer's experience or prep time. No wonder, to most employers there's a shortage of good engineers.
It's totally absurd. The recruiting process for software engineers is bad, very bad such that you feel like even if you have years of experience as if you had none.

My son asked me about the Computer Science program recently. I basically moved him out of considering a CS career unless his soul and heart are into it because of the increasingly untenable state the software industry is heading.

dsaga profile image
Dusan Petkovic

Some of the points in this article stuck with me because they are things that I struggle with every day.. especially getting lost in trying to keep up with all of the new technologies and trends, sometimes it gets overwhelming.

I think we just need to break up of that mindset from time to time at least, by reminding ourself of what's truly important, while of course having a sustainable way of keeping up with the new things.

otaviofcs profile image
Otávio Sampaio

Juraj, I totally agree on your point of view. Every good engineer should ask themselves if they are delivering value. Love your pyramid as well.

rajaerobinson profile image
Rajae Robinson

Wow! This is an excellent article. Thanks for sharing your wisdom

nyangweso profile image
Rodgers Nyangweso

nice piece here

nftcryptomix profile image

Thank you, I really enjoyed this post as I am more on the developer side not engineer - I see now where I should really focus my skills

lifetech365 profile image

💪💪💪 feeling on the move

mezieb profile image
Okoro chimezie bright

I totally agree thanks for sharing.

prodbyola profile image

The realest and most inspiring piece I've read this week. Thank you.

jurajmalenica profile image
Juraj Malenica

This is one awesome compliment. Thank you!

celestz profile image
Patrick Chua

Yeah, the industry as a whole is moving so fast, it's getting more and more difficult to get out of the technical debt spiral compared to the last decade.

jmccabe profile image
John McCabe

I feel that way, but I'm not convinced it's because "the industry as a whole is moving so fast". I think it's a lack of understanding, by management, of the complexity involved in doing software 'properly'. They hear about things like ChatGPT and, rather than discuss its failings with engineers (and it does have huge failings), they just wonder why they can't just get it to write their applications!

dreamhollow4219 profile image

I'm only really starting to learn what it means to be a capable engineer.

I've heard what a lot of junior and senior engineers talk about, though. It sure seems like a lot of their jobs involve unusual things that I wouldn't have suspected out of a corporate software engineering position.

It's been... interesting.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Responsible for translating complex problems into efficient and scalable solutions

There are plenty of simple problems that are yet to be resolved, there are plenty of great things to do that don't involve scale.

In fact most scalable things are shitty. I have no intention to ever work at Facebook and TikTok and Ads and stuff.

Tasked with analyzing user requirements, designing software architecture, writing code, and testing and debugging software

Counter argument : have a good positionning, become an expert of the problems of your clients, and you have done most of the work.

Expected to stay on top of trends

Counter argument : your clients doesn't care which technology you use, Twitter is not real life. The main reason any given hype tech is everywhere at any point of time is that Venture Capitalists allocate money based on Hype.

In reality though, your clients do not care which technology you use when you solve their problems. They only care that you solve their problems.

seeking new business opportunities and ways to improve existing products

Indeed, get out of the building and talk with your customers.
If you can do that, your existing skills will do wonders.

manismku profile image

Can't agree more.

plamen5rov profile image
Plamen Petrov

Very good article. Makes me think about lotst of things...