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Marcus Blankenship
Marcus Blankenship

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Re-entry is the hard part

I just returned from attending the greatest technical leadership training on the planet, which has been running for over 40 years.

It’s over five days of experiential training led by two amazing masters of technical leadership and human systems.

(FYI – This is not a sponsored post, just my humble opinions.)

So, now my mind is buzzing with everything I’ve seen, and done, and said, and felt, and realized, and learned.

Thankfully, the leaders reminded us that everyone at home has been experiencing things too.

They have kept the dogs fed, the kids clothed, the bills paid, and everything running smoothly in our absence. Or maybe, you have teammates at work who took on extra work to cover for you.

Though my impulse is to talk at them about the workshop, there’s a better approach.

Don’t start with you, but with them.

  • Ask them how their week was, and what it was like for them when you’re gone.
  • Appreciate them with words and deeds for keeping things running in your absence.
  • Spend time catching up on what needs to be done, and helping them with what they need.

Too often I’ve neglected this, causing my family and co-workers to feel like the new people I met were smarter, more interesting, and somehow more amazing than they are.

Which feels pretty crappy to those left behind, and explains a variety of negative reactions which caused me to burn-up on my re-entry into “real life.”

*I now see that the people around me are more interesting, exciting, and brilliant than anyone I’ll meet at a conference. *

Too often I miss what’s right in front of me, so I’m going to start by appreciating my wife, Amy, right now:

Amy, I appreciate you for giving me the opportunity to be away this week, and for taking care of everything brilliantly. It allowed me to get the most from the workshop experience, and you are the most brilliant, interesting person I know.

Is there someone you could appreciate who’s right in front of you?

Thanks for listening,


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