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HFDP(9) - Iterator Pattern and Composite Pattern

In this post we discuss two patterns: the Iterator pattern and the Composite Pattern.

Iterator Pattern


Suppose you are merging two restaurants. Each has their own menus and implemented differently. Say one uses ArrayList, another uses Array. How would you iterate over the menus? We may of course do a type check and treat them differently. However, this will expose the internal representation and seems not so generic. Do we have a better approach? The Iterator Pattern comes to our rescue.

Instead of exposing the internal representation, we may define a method called createIterator() that returns an Iterator. In such manner, we could use the returned Iterator interface hasNext(), next().

Formal Definition

The Iterator Pattern provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.

Iterator Pattern

That is, the client should deal with two interfaces: the Aggregate and the Iterator. And the Aggregate should have a method called createIterator which returns an Iterator.

Composite Pattern


Suppose now you are merging more restaurants, whose menus have submenus. Now we have recursive structure here. Instead of treating menu and menuItem separately, we may use Composite Pattern to treat them transparently/uniformly. We may define an interface MenuComponent and let Menu and MenuItem implement that.

Formal Definition

The Composite Pattern allows you to compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.

Composite Pattern

What's more, since our Composite often contain many subcomponents, we may implement a createIterator() method. This is the connection between Iterator Pattern and Composite Pattern.

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