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blog-cli: A CLI for Blogging with Static Site Generators

Kahlil Lechelt on January 18, 2019

My blog is built with Hugo. Every blog I ever had was built with a static site generator or a file based CMS. I love static site generators, they m...
peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

This is a great idea for a tool, two questions

  1. Is it possible to edit the frontmatter template easily to make it work just the way you want for any given site?

  2. Can it work with multiple blogs?

Keep up the great work!

kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt

Currently it is not possible to configure the front matter. But that could be added as a feature quite easily. Feel free to send a PR :D

If you want to switch to a different blog just set a new path. This could be made easier too though...

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Thanks for the reply, I plan to put some time aside to take a deeper look and see if I can contribute something useful to it.

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kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt

Sweet, looking forward to it.

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kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt • Edited

Here is an idea: blog-cli could just check if there is a blog-cli property in the package.json that has a property pathToPosts or something and if yes it could just use that.

Multiple blogs could be suported by adding multiple paths in there that have an alias name as a property or something:

  "blog-cli": {
    "paths": {
      "work-blog": "/my/work/blog/posts",
      "personal-blog": "/my/personal/blog/posts"

And then there should be a command line flag that should allow you to switch between blogs, like: blog --switch-to work-blog for example.

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peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

I think I'd need to see an implementation of the idea to really get it.

I have been working on adding the ability to work with more than one template and to set a template path, I have it working but I need to clean it up a little and test for when it's not specified.

Once I have it done I'll submit it as a pull request, my fork is here

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kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt

I made an Electron app based on blog-cli now:

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peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Great! I will be taking a look at it.

johnbokma profile image
John Bokma

Being aware of this issue I wrote my own static site generator differently: it uses a single input file. While I use it mainly to generate a blog, Plurrrr, it certainly can be used to generate (small) sites with it as well. The SSG is available on GitHub: tumblelog.

michael76359143 profile image
Michael Williams

Hi Kahlil,

I hope it will work with Pelican as well.

kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt

Hi! What is Pelican?

michael76359143 profile image
Michael Williams

It's Static site generator written with Python.

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kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt

So far its not specific to any static site generator. All you need is a folder with markdown files that contain your posts and front matter. If Pelican has a different file format or doesn't use front matter, that can be added quite easily. You can send a PR if you want.

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michael76359143 profile image
Michael Williams

Yes, pelican blog posts are written in Markdown. This should work then. Thanks a ton.

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kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt

Check it out I made an Electron app to do the same with a GUI

marpme profile image
marpme (Marvin) • Edited

oh wow, didn't know about that one. Thank you very much!

kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt

Happy to! 🤗

dopitz profile image
Daniel O.

How do you upload images and embed them?

kahlil profile image
Kahlil Lechelt

blog-cli doesn’t help you there besides with the publishing. You‘ll have to put the image into the folder your static site generator requires and then you just reference it as you would before in the MD file. Images and text will typically be deployed via a git push and then a Webhook from Netlify for example.

blog-cli is just a thin convenience layer over a static site generator.