DEV Community

Akarshan Kapoor
Akarshan Kapoor

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IIT Mandi StudentsπŸ§‘β€πŸ’»: Let's Fortify Our OpenSource Armour, Together! πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ

Hey there, budding coders and OpenSource enthusiasts of IIT Mandi! πŸš€

Ever wondered why ants work together? No, it's not because they have tiny FOMO. It's because they realize that by working together, they can achieve so much more than by working alone. That's exactly why we want every single one of you to contribute to the CodeForge Repo this HacktoberFest! 🐜🍁

HacktoberFest Banner

Why? Because together, we can create a robust codebase that will not only be an epitome of our combined coding prowess but also help all of us learn and grow. Imagine having a repository, by the IITians, for the IITians, helping us solve the daily coding blues for our college.

Not Registered Yet??! Start Hacking Here!!

Here's a cheatsheet to help you manage your Pull Requests:

Git Cheatsheet

Guide to Get You Started πŸš€:

  • Set Up Your Workspace and check out the "Issues" tabπŸ–₯️: Before diving in, ensure you have a development environment set up. If you’re new, consider using a platform like Visual Studio Code, which is versatile and user-friendly.

  • Fork the Repository🍴: Head over to Code-Forge Repository and click on the "Fork" button. This creates your own copy of the repository.

  • Clone Your Forked Repository πŸ“₯: On your forked repository, click the "Code" button and copy the URL. Then, in your terminal or command prompt, type git clone URL. Replace URL with the link you just copied.

  • Create a New Branch 🌿: Always make your changes in a new branch. This keeps things organized and avoids potential conflicts. Use the command git checkout -b branch-name.

  • Make Your Changes✍️: Dive into the code, make your valuable contributions, and save the changes.

  • Commit and Push πŸš€: Commit your changes with a meaningful commit message. Use git add . followed by git commit -m "Your message here". Then push the changes to your forked repo using git push origin branch-name.

  • Open a Pull Request (PR) πŸ“€: Go back to the original Code-Forge Repository and click on "New Pull Request". Select your fork and the branch you worked on, then submit the PR with a clear description of your changes.

  • Wait for Review πŸ‘€: We will review your PR and might ask for some changes or improvements. Make sure to check your notifications!

  • Celebrate Your Contribution πŸŽ‰: Once your PR gets merged, give yourself a pat on the back. You've contributed to the IIT Mandi community, and that's a big deal!

πŸ“Œ General Guidelines for Contributing:

  • Clean and Readable Code: Remember, someone else will be reading your code. Or you might be reading your code six months down the line and wondering, "What sorcery is this?"

  • Comment When Necessary: Not everything in life needs an explanation, but your complex code snippets sure do.

  • Avoid Duplication: Before pushing a new algorithm or application, ensure that it doesn't already exist in the repository.

  • Stay Relevant: Make sure your contributions stick to the theme – DSA, ML Algorithms, or applications to visualize/implement these algorithms.

🚫 What Can Lead to PR Rejection:

  • Plagiarism of any kind.
  • Submitting someone else’s work.
  • Incomplete or broken code.
  • Ignoring the general guidelines mentioned above.

Dive right in: Code-Forge Repository

Let's make this HacktoberFest memorable! Not just for the swag or the need to plant some trees for the planet, but because it’s a testament to what we can achieve together.

Let’s code, laugh, learn, and may the source (code) be with you! πŸš€πŸŽ‰

With πŸ’™ from Akarshan & Biswadeep, your fellow IIT Mandi code-lovers!

Top comments (2)

kartikpandeyindia profile image
Kartik Pandey • Edited

I want to get started with open source, but I feel overwhelmed by it. How am I supposed to make changes? I don't exactly know what's good anyway.

taikedz profile image
Tai Kedzierski • Edited

You probably want to find a mentor. A friend who knows how to guide you, or someone from an existing community.

See if the project you want to contribute to has a mentorship programme

  • ask their mailing list
  • or discord
  • or IRC
  • or slack
  • or whatever channels for community discussion they have.

See also: