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Cover image for Rise Collective: Women Entrepreneur community using Wix Studio (Smart Mentor Matching) & More.
karan shah
karan shah

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Rise Collective: Women Entrepreneur community using Wix Studio (Smart Mentor Matching) & More.

This is a submission for the Wix Studio Challenge: Community Edition.

RiseCollective - What & Why !

Visit Site

Why ?
Women entrepreneurs face unique challenges in the business world.
Only 2.3% of VC funding goes to women-led startups.
48% of women entrepreneurs' report lack of mentors as a major barrier.
67% struggle with access to strong professional networks.
Women-led startups generate 2x more revenue per dollar invested, yet remain underfunded.

What ?

RiseCollective is a community designed specifically for women entrepreneurs, combining community, mentorship, and AI-powered support to break down traditional barriers to success.

It offers following features:

  • Collaborative Communities
  • Smart Mentor Matching
  • Inspiring Top Stories
  • EntrepreneurPR Assistant

All features are built with Wix elements, Wix Velo APIs, Wix Apps and Wix CMS.


My Submission

Landing Pages and open to all pages

Landing Page

Landing Page Features


Member Pages

Member Feed

Smart Mentor Matching

Mentor Matching Section

Matched Mentor



Other Pages

Groups Management

Profile Management

Development Journey

In the world of web development, drag-and-drop platforms like Wix are often dismissed as "limited" or "basic" - tools suitable only for simple websites with standard functionality. The common perception is:

"You can't build complex features"
"Everything looks the same"
"Real developers don't use drag-and-drop platforms"
"Custom functionality is impossible"

I decided to challenge these assumptions.

The Innovation Opportunity

While exploring existing solutions for women entrepreneurs, I noticed significant gaps and decided to build something around that:

Gaps Were:

  • Communities were scattered across different platforms
  • No Mentorship support.
  • Success stories were buried in social media feeds
  • AI support was much needed.

These limitations became my opportunity to prove that with creative thinking and technical skills, you can build a powerful community platform using Wix.

I set four ambitious goals:

  1. Create community groups interaction.
  2. Build a smart mentor matching system using basic NLP.
  3. Develop a curated Top Stories section.
  4. Integrate an AI-powered EntrepreneurPR.

Velo APIs

Wix Members API
Wix Data API
Wix Fetch API

Apart from awesome Velo API's I used NPM packages for natural language processing.
Support for NPM packages is great for developing a dynamic application.

Wix Apps

Wix Groups App
Wix Blogs Apps
Wix Members Area

Smart Matchmaking Feature:

This feature matches the mentee and mentor using smart NLP based algorithm. In future, we can extended this functionality to use vector embeddings to compare common interests and expertise.

The mentee enters the short description about what kind of help she needs.
The mentee and mentor are matched by using a simple NLP based algorithm.

Mentee and mentor can contact via email for now, but in future I am planning to send request to mentors and then if request is accepted from the mentor, both can connect.

const mentorsWithScores = allMentors.items
.filter(mentor => !==
.map(mentor => {
const score = natural.LevenshteinDistance(
{ search: true }
return { mentor, score };

Other than this I have created different menus for the non-members and logged in members.

At last, I would like to thank awesome Wix community, Wix Discord community, Wix Documentation for helping me whenever I stuck somewhere.

The app is built solely by me for the Wix Community Challange.

All imagery and illustrations are attributed to creative commons owners, and thanks to them.

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