Why isn't my first post giving cross-post credit to my blog?
This is my front matter:
title: "Pourquoi - et comment - apprendre PL/SQL (…T-SQL…PL/pgSQL…)"
published: true
description: "Pourquoi les bases de données incluent, en plus de SQL, des langages 'procéduraux' -- et comment en apprendre un"
tags: ['explainlikeimfive','discuss','sql','french']
canonical_url: https://katiekodes.com/sql-pourquoi-plsql
cover_image: https://thepracticaldev.s3.amazonaws.com/BlahBlahBlah.png
Thanks so much, everybody -- this looks like a great community!
Top comments (7)
This is probably a matter of us being unclear what
does.This post does have the
meta tag.But it doesn't have the crossposted indication which only comes from stuff loaded via RSS.
This is probably unclear and should be changed.
I know this is a very old thread, but I was unable to find the information elsewhere. Is this still true that using
adds a canonical tag and that RSS is the way to go to get the cross-post credit?Seems to be ... in fact, I had to unpublish an old RSS-imported post that wouldn't stop cross-crediting a post that had died on my site (Jekyll / GitHub Pages just seems insistent upon eating it) and copy/paste the contents into a new post to make it a standalone Dev post. Otherwise, Dev kept putting the little italicized link in the top.
Thank you very much Katie for letting me know!
Thanks so much! I haven't finished setting up an RSS feed for my blog, yet, so I'll just put it in fine print at the top as part of the post. :-)
@katiekodes I'm planning to do the same. Copy post from my website to this platform as well using the canonical url. How do you get crosspost indication?
See Ben's comment on this thread -- you have to have an XML feed and wait for a post to show up in your dev.to dashboard from that!