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Katherine Kelly
Katherine Kelly

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Ditching Dupes with a Set

A JavaScript Set object is a useful data structure when dealing with duplicate data. Introduced with ES6, a Set is a collection that stores unique values of any type, whether primitive types or object references. Say, for example, you want to de-dupe an Array and know there must be a better way than iterating through the Array and push non-duplicate values into a new Array. A Set can help with you that!

Unique Values

simpson's gif of duplicates

A value in a Set can only occur once and is unique in the Set’s collection. As each value in the Set has to be unique, the value equality will be checked.

Something to keep in mind is that if two objects have the same value(s) but do not share the same reference they will not be considered equal.

const arr1 = ['Simpsons'];
const arr2 = ['Simpsons'];
arr1 === arr2; // false
arr1[0] === arr2[0]; // true
const set = new Set();
set.add(arr1); // Set { ['Simpsons'] }
set.add(arr2); // Set { ['Simpsons'], ['Simpsons'] }
set; // Set { ['Simpsons'], ['Simpsons'], 'Simpsons' } 

Getting Started

Below is how to initialize a new Set:

const mySet = new Set(); // Set {}

Set Properties and Methods

A useful Set method is add() which adds a new item to the Set and returns the Set object. size() is a Set property that returns the number of items in the Set:

mySet.add('Homer'); // Set {'Homer'}
mySet.add('Lisa'); // Set {'Homer', 'Lisa'}
mySet.add('Bart'); // Set {'Homer', 'Lisa', 'Bart'}
mySet.size; // 3

You can also initialize a Set with an array of values.

const mySet = new Set(['Homer', 'Lisa', 'Bart', 'Homer']); 
newSet; // Set {'Homer', 'Lisa', 'Bart'}

Other useful methods include has() which returns a boolean indicating whether the passed in element is present in the Set object or not.

mySet.has('Homer'); //true
mySet.has('Moe'); //false

delete() deletes the element passed in and returns the value that has() would have returned (so a good rule of thumb is seeing true for a successful deletion). Using has() to check that since deleted value will result in a false.

mySet.delete('Bart'); // true
mySet; // Set {'Homer', 'Lisa'};
mySet.has('Bart'); // false
mySet.size // 2

And if you need to remove all of the elements in your Set, you can use clear().

mySet; // Set {}

You can iterate over items in the Set using either for...of or forEach(). Iteration over a Set is always in insertion order, so while these collections are not unordered there is no index kept and we cannot reorder elements once they're set in the Set.

//using for...of
for (const val of mySet) console.log(val); 

//using forEach
mySet.forEach(val => console.log(val));

And now to finally circle back after all of this buildup from my introductory paragraph about wanting to use a Set to de-dupe an array, it is as simple as the following utilizing the spread operator:

const numbers = [1, 3, 5, 5, 7, 9];
const numSet = [ Set(numbers)];
numSet; // [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ]

Set objects will not be the best data structure for every situation but they appear to be a useful supplement to Arrays and Objects, especially when working with duplicate data.

Sets - JavaScript | MDN
Understanding Map and Set in JavaScript

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Nahid Faraji

Thank You So Much.