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{} === {} is false... 😳WHaT?? Let me explain it with image 🖼

In javascript

const obj1 = {}
const obj2 = {}
obj1 === obj2 // false
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WHaT ?????

If you react like this, keep reading this article.

At first I need to explain about memory life cycle.
Don't worry, I'll show you simple way with image.

const name  = 'kaziu' // string
let isShame = true    // boolean
let age     = 101     // number 
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in Javascript string, number, boolean, null, undefined, symbol calls primitive type
When declare like this in javascript primitive type, datas store on space which is called stack in memory.

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On the other hand, object is reference type include function, array (actually function is one of objects)

const obj1 = {}
const obj2 = {}
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When declare object, computer does not directly store that data type in that variable. property stores in heap

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As you can see, each objects has different addresses. And obj1 === obj2 compares these addresses, that's why return false.


This is normally called reference, but I used address because it's easy to understand. You could imagine there are two same looking houses in different places 🏠🏠

personally I take care of it as frontend engineer, specially when I use useMemo in React.

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