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Keziah Devor
Keziah Devor

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TIL; favicon| tables| difference between internal and external CSS styles| Lists

  • Favicon; the small image displayed next to the page title in the browser tab.

Example : <link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" href="./Mavensey.jpeg"/>

  • Tables (<table>);

The table tag helps to insert tables in a document(data in rows and columns). Table values include:

  • <th> which define table headers
  • <tr> which define table rows, and
  • <td> which define the table data in a cell.
  • <thead>
  • <tbody>
  • <tfoot>
  • Table size

Styling the size of a single cell, affects the styling of all the cells in the column of that cell. The width of a cell <td> is specified in percentages.

The height of a row <tr> is specified in pixels.

Column span colspan

Row span rowspan

Table caption <caption>

Tables usually need styling(borders) to clearly separate the various cells.

  • Border-collapse: separate
  • Border-collapse
  • Border-spacing
  • Border-radius
  • Border-color
  • Border-style
  • Border-width

  • Internal CSS style is defined using a style tag in an html file.

  • External CSS style is defined in a separate css file and linked to the html file using the link tag.

Padding and spacing

Padding properties include; padding-left , right, top, bottom

Cell Spacing(border-spacing) is the space between the cells

Zebra stripes is a stylistic effect in a table that can easily be achieved using the ‘nth child’ selector.

The ‘nth child(even or odd)’; is a css selector that enables you to select an html element based on its position within its parent.

  • Colgroup (<colgroup>): this allows a user to efficiently style a number of cells in a column in a particular way. This tag is not always reliable.

NB: Rowgroups do not exist.


Unordered HTML lists (<ul>); Allows a user to add lists to an html document when there is no required order for the list items.

Ordered HTML lists(<ol>); Allows a user to add lists to an html document in an ordered manner.

List item(<li>;Allows the user to state the list data/particular list item

  • Description list <dl>; this is used to specify a list of items and their definitions.
  • Description term <dt>; specifies the specific term to be defined
  • Description definition <dd>; the definition of the term.

List-style-type; Helps the user to specify the list style in a list.

The list style types options include disc, circle, square and none, with disc being the default style type.

  • Nested lists; these are lists within a list.
  • The type attribute; allows the user to specify the type of numbering in an ordered list. Type attribute styles include <type="1">; which specifies numbers

                                        `<type="i">`; which specifies lowercase roman numerals
                                        `<type="I">`; which specifies uppercase roman numerals
                                        `<type="a">`; which specifies lowercase letters
                                        `<type="B">`; which specifies uppercase letters

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