DEV Community

Makena Kong
Makena Kong

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Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge: Make your own thank you postcards

This is a submission for the Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge: Visual Feast.

What I Built

I built a site where you can customize, download and print your own minimalist postcard. You can download and print your designs at home - as individual images or a generated PDF.

You may be thinking you can do the same thing on the Walgreens or Costco websites - and they will print and ship the cards to you. Yes, you can. But, personally, I've never liked those over-colored, whimsical and cheesy designs.

TL;DR - the longer backstory. Every year, I design our family's holiday cards and a few moms always ask what site I used to do it - to which I thought, I should start a custom holiday card business. Then, I forgot about this idea until I saw this Netflify challenge and immediately got to work on a few templates and an mvp. I realize I could've just made & sold some Canva templates - but unfortunately, I'm a software engineer and I just had to build a whole platform from scratch.

The Stack: NextJS + React + Tailwind, Supabase database + storage + auth, Resend email smtp, Netlify hosting


Image description

Feel free to make an account and create your own postcard - i'd love to get feedback!

Otherwise, here are some screenshotted walkthroughs:

creating a postcard

step 1: choose a template
Image description
step 2: customize your card
Image description
step 3: export & print your card
Image description

my postcards

view & reprint your postcards
Image description

postcard gallery

view everyone's postcards!
Image description

Future Features: User account management, naming/updating/deleting postcards, more templates and customization options, a landing page, hook up to a printing api idk

Platform Primitives

Using Netlify Image CDN on-demand image transformations

  1. All postcard images (in /gallery, /my-postcards, /postcard/:id) are converted to .avif format at half their original pixel dimensions and 75% quality via a Netlify Image CDN transformation.

  2. Postcard images can be exported in it's original .webp format and original dimensions or exported in a .jpeg format and original pixel dimensions via a Netlify Image CDN transformation.

namespace ImageUtils {
  export namespace Netlify {
    const BASE_NETLIFY_URL = `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL}/.netlify/images/`;

    export interface INetlifyImageParamProps {
      url: string;
      w?: number;
      h?: number;
      fit?: string; //"object" | "contain" | "fill";
      position?: string; //"center" | "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right";
      format?: string; //"avif" | "jpg" | "png" | "webp" | "gif" | "blurhash";
      quality?: number;

    export function getUrl(data: INetlifyImageParamProps) {
      const params = Object.entries(data)
        .map((entry) => `${entry[0]}=${entry[1]}`)
      return `${BASE_NETLIFY_URL}?${params}`;
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Thanks for reading! Happy postcard making!

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