DEV Community

Discussion on: Micro frontends

kerryconvery profile image

Good question and it is something that I've been wondering myself but I'm probably not experienced enough with micro frontends to give a definitive answer.

In saying that however I always prefer to move forward. Micro frontend architecture, like micro service architecture, as I understand it is meant to allow teams to work independently and it mostly achieves that except when there are interdependencies such as shared libraries and frameworks or the need for all teams to use the same tech, which by the way I don't see micro service architecture suffering from.

If we can architect micro frontends in a more decoupled way instead of trying to import whole applications into other applications then I think we can mostly avoid the issues that I have seen so far. Sure, unless an organisation is willing to invest in a design system for different frontend frameworks/libraries such as Angular and React which I seriously doubt, then you will need to pick one. But at least each application can upgrade to the latest version of the design system and other dependencies at their own pace.