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keshav Sandhu
keshav Sandhu

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Best practices while pushing code to GitHub

Best Practices While Pushing Code to GitHub

Pushing code to GitHub is a critical part of the development workflow, especially in collaborative environments. Following best practices ensures that your code is clean, your history is maintainable, and your team can work together efficiently. Below are several key practices to adopt when pushing code to GitHub:

1. Write Meaningful Commit Messages

Each commit should represent a single logical change, and the message should clearly describe what that change is. Avoid generic messages like "Fixed bugs" or "Updated files." A good commit message typically follows this format:

# Add a short description of the change (50 characters max)
git commit -m "Refactor authentication logic for better scalability"

# Optionally, add a detailed description for more complex changes
git commit -m "Refactor authentication logic for better scalability\n\nThe previous implementation used synchronous calls that caused bottlenecks under heavy load. This change introduces async methods."
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2. Commit Early and Often

Instead of pushing massive changes all at once, commit frequently with small, atomic changes. This makes it easier to debug, understand, and track progress. Smaller commits also reduce the likelihood of conflicts and help in pinpointing specific changes if something goes wrong.

3. Use Branches for Features

A great way to keep your main branch clean is by working in feature branches. This helps organize work and makes merging back into the main branch easier:

# Create a new branch for a feature or bug fix
git checkout -b feature/user-authentication
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When the feature is complete, it can be merged back into main through a pull request, allowing code reviews to catch any errors:

git checkout main
git merge feature/user-authentication
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4. Rebase to Keep History Clean

Instead of merging from main frequently into your feature branch, consider using git rebase. Rebasing moves your branch on top of the latest main branch, creating a cleaner, linear history:

# Rebase feature branch on top of main
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/main
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This helps avoid unnecessary merge commits and makes history easier to read. But note, rebasing rewrites history, so avoid rebasing shared branches.

5. Review Code Before Pushing

Before pushing, always review your changes. You can use Git commands to show a summary of your staged changes:

# Check what changes will be committed
git diff --staged
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This ensures that you're aware of everything you're about to push, avoiding unintentional file additions or deletions.

6. Push to Remote Regularly

Pushing your local commits to the remote repository regularly keeps the code up-to-date and ensures that others can see your work:

# Push your changes to the feature branch on GitHub
git push origin feature/user-authentication
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Regular pushes also ensure that your work is backed up remotely in case of any local machine issues.

7. Squash Commits if Necessary

If your feature branch has too many small commits, you can squash them into a single meaningful commit before merging to main:

# Interactive rebase allows you to squash commits
git rebase -i HEAD~n
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This helps in cleaning up the commit history while keeping relevant information intact.

8. Protect the Main Branch

It's important to avoid pushing directly to main without review. Use GitHub's branch protection rules to require pull requests, code reviews, and passing tests before merging:

# Configure branch protection on GitHub's settings
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This prevents accidental pushes and ensures that the code in main is always stable and reviewed.

By adhering to these practices, youโ€™ll maintain a clean and efficient codebase, making collaboration easier and code quality higher.

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