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Cover image for Becoming Homeless
Ryan Hansen
Ryan Hansen

Posted on

Becoming Homeless

The other day at work I was doing something and accidentally made a folder named tilde.

~ bin lib spec

Oops, well I guess I should remove that.

$ rm -r ~
rm: remove write-protected regular file .ssh/config?

Wait… what?! Oh crap, did that just delete my home directory?

$ ls ~
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 17 user group  544 Apr  18 11:45 .
drwxr-xr-x 27 user group  864 Apr  18 10:18 ..

Lucky I have rdiff-backup run weekly. I changed that to daily.

Note to self, run rm -r ./~ next time.

Man what a day.

Top comments (3)

l04db4l4nc3r profile image
Angad Sharma

This made me laugh so hard, and also reminisce about the time I accedentaly created a / file 🤣.

spongechameleon profile image
spongechameleon • Edited today I was finally convinced to make backups

dporr profile image
Diego Porras

Man, this is so true... I almost felt my self running the commands as a sort of deja vu.