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Khalif AL Mahmud
Khalif AL Mahmud

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Streamlining CI/CD: A Complete Guide to Installing Jenkins on AWS EC2

Setting up Jenkins on an AWS EC2 instance allows you to automate your software development processes efficiently. This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step approach to launching an EC2 instance, installing Jenkins, and configuring it for your CI/CD needs.

Table of Contents:

  • Prerequisites
  • Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance
  • Step 2: Connect to Your EC2 Instance via SSH
  • Step 3: Install Java
  • Step 4: Install Jenkins
  • Step 5: Configure Security Groups
  • Step 6: Access Jenkins Web Interface
  • Step 7: Create a Jenkins Job
  • Conclusion


  • AWS Account: Ensure you have an active AWS account. If not, sign up here.
  • Basic Knowledge: Familiarity with AWS services and command-line operations is beneficial.

Step 1 — Launch an EC2 Instance

  1. Log in to AWS: Access the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to EC2 Dashboard:
    • In the Services menu, select EC2 under Compute.
  3. Launch Instance:

    • Click on Launch Instance.
    • Name and Tags: Assign a name to your instance (e.g., "Jenkins-Server").
    • Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image): Choose Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type.
    • Instance Type: Select t2.micro (eligible for free tier).
    • Key Pair (Login):
      • Create a new key pair or select an existing one.
      • If creating new, download the .pem file and store it securely; you'll need it to access your instance.
    • Network Settings:
      • Create a new security group with the following inbound rules:
        • SSH (port 22): Allows secure shell access.
        • HTTP (port 80): Enables web traffic.
        • Custom TCP (port 8080): Required for Jenkins access.
    • Configure Storage: The default storage configuration is typically sufficient.
    • Launch: Review all settings and click Launch Instance.
  4. Verify Instance Status:

    • Return to the EC2 Dashboard.
    • Ensure your instance's Instance State is running.

Step 2 — Connect to Your EC2 Instance via SSH

  1. Set Key Permissions:
    • Open your terminal.
    • Modify the permissions of your key pair file to ensure it's not publicly viewable:
chmod 400 /path/to/your-key-pair.pem
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  1. Retrieve Public IP:

    • In the EC2 Dashboard, select your instance.
    • Note the Public IPv4 address listed in the instance details.
  2. Establish SSH Connection:

    • Use the following command, replacing /path/to/your-key-pair.pem with the path to your key pair file and ec2-user@your-public-ip with the appropriate username and IP address:
ssh -i /path/to/your-key-pair.pem ec2-user@your-public-ip
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  • For example:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/jenkins-key.pem ec2-user@
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Step 3 — Install Java

Jenkins requires Java to run. Follow these steps to install Java 17:

  1. Update Packages:
sudo yum update -y
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  1. Install Java 17:
sudo yum install java-17-amazon-corretto -y
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  1. Verify Installation:
java -version
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  • Expected output:
openjdk version "17.0.x" 2023-xx-xx
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto-17.0.x.x.x (build 17.0.x+xx)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto-17.0.x.x.x (build 17.0.x+xx, mixed mode)
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Step 4 — Install Jenkins

  1. Add Jenkins Repository:
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
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  1. Import Jenkins GPG Key:
sudo rpm --import
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  1. Install Jenkins:
sudo yum install jenkins -y
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  1. Enable Jenkins Service:
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
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  1. Start Jenkins Service:
sudo systemctl start jenkins
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  1. Check Jenkins Status:
sudo systemctl status jenkins
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  • Ensure the output indicates that Jenkins is active (running).

Step 5 — Access Jenkins Web Interface

  • Open a browser and navigate to:
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Replace <public-ip-address> with your EC2 instance's public IP.

  • Retrieve the initial admin password:
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
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Copy the password and paste it into the Jenkins setup page.

Install suggested plugins and create your admin user.

Step 6 — Create a Jenkins Job

  • From the Jenkins dashboard, click New Item.
  • Name the job (e.g., "Hello-World") and select Freestyle Project.
  • Scroll down to the Build Environment section and check "Delete workspace before build starts."
  • Under Build Steps, click Add build step > Execute Shell, and enter:
echo "Hello, World!"
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  • Save and click Build Now.
  • Check the console output to see "Hello, World!" printed.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up Jenkins on an AWS EC2 instance, accessed its web interface, and created a simple Jenkins job. Jenkins is a versatile tool that supports complex CI/CD workflows, making it invaluable for software development teams.

Feel free to explore plugins and additional configurations to tailor Jenkins to your project's needs.

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