Why for?
From time to time I used to use some web projects, which helps me to find something out within the game I play (Ingress Prime).
So, recently I have started collection banners, images, with the missions.
To see the banners, I use Ingress Mosaic website.
To reach the SpecOps Onyx medal, I have to complete 500 missions, but to get in top - at least 1400. So, to count the missions and length I am using Laravel 5.8 with the CLI.
What I did?
- Made an artisan command with the
php artisan make:command
- Installed dependency of
to make an HTTPS Requests and work with the content efficiently - Learned the structure of the pages I need to work with
- Go Code!
Firstly, I had to make an alias for the name of the command to be executed from the CLI. I've came up with the next shorthand: profile:parser {nickname}
30 minutes - and I've came with the next code.
/** Fetching profile page **/
$this->http = new Client([
'base_uri' => 'https://ingressmosaik.com'
/** Transforming the response to the DOM **/
$dom = new Crawler($this->http->get("/profil/{$this->argument('nickname')}")->getBody()->getContents());
$todoItems = $dom->filter('div#this_todo > div');
$mosaics = [];
/** Fetching no. of the mosaics **/
$todoItems->each(function (Crawler $node) use (&$mosaics) {
$link = $node->filter('h5 > a')->attr('href');
list(, , $no) = explode('/', $link);
$mosaics[] = intval($no);
$targets = [
'cities' => [],
'missions' => 0,
'distance' => 0.00
->each(function (int $id) use (&$targets) {
/** Fetching mission page **/
$missionPage = new Crawler($this->http->get("/mosaic/{$id}")->getBody()->getContents());
$title = $missionPage->filter('div.panel-heading-1 > h4');
$block = $missionPage->filter('div#mo_img > div.panel-body-1');
list($title,) = explode(' - ', $title->text());
$city = $block->filter('div > span')->eq(1)->text();
$mc = $block->filter('div > span')->eq(6)->text();
$lt = $block->filter('div > span')->eq(7)->text();
$startPortal = $missionPage->filter('div#portals > table')->eq(0)
$title = trim($title);
$this->output->text("Parsing '{$title}'");
$targets['cities'][$city][] = [
'mosaic' => trim($title),
'first_portal' => $startPortal->attr('href'),
'missions' => intval($mc),
'distance' => floatval($lt)
$targets['missions'] += intval($mc);
$targets['distance'] += floatval($lt);
$targets['distance'] = (float)number_format($targets['distance'], 2);
foreach ($targets['cities'] as $city => $mosaicsList) {
$targets['cities'][$city] = collect($mosaicsList)
->sortBy('missions', SORT_DESC, true);
file_put_contents(public_path('missions.json'), json_encode($targets, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
Yes, this code is ugly, as all of it is in the handle()
method. But it's a quick solution to calculate all to-do banners and save all data into the JSON file.
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