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Developer diary #22. 100 Days of code

I tried several times to start the challenge 100 days of coding, but every time I stopped after several days or weeks. Why did it happen? Maybe, because I try to commit some changes in repository every day, but sometimes I forgot to do that, in result, my green row of commits in GitHub was cat off. Or I was so tired that I didn't have energy to open the computer. I did it in the start of my career, it was useful, because I learned many interesting things during this time.

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After short investigation, I found the website, that positions itself like origin of this practice. You can find it here.  This challenge has only two rules. Firstly, you should work at least one hour during of 100 days. Secondly, you should tweet about progress every day in X with hashtag #100DaysOfCode. There is no mention git history, that I worried before. I think, the last point is very important for self motivation and for tracking progress. Also, I think, it is important to clear to book time slots for this challenge, and do this one week ahead, don't try to find time during the day, because it is so stressful. 

Is it useful when you do it after several years in industry, or when you're coding every day in work? This is an open question, I don't know the answer to it. So, it is a good reason to try complete this challenge. I think, It is very important to set reachable goals what you want to reach in end, to write every day summary with analysis of progress, to learn something new, not only do some work, that maybe you know. 

I think about this challenge. I have several ideas, that I want to release, and this challenge is a good ability for that. 

You can find me in X, GitHub, medium or LinkedIn. Thanks for your time and see you in next post.

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