
Cover image for Week 1 - Building Projects to impress 🤯🤯 Employers or Hiring Managers [VoteSub]

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Week 1 - Building Projects to impress 🤯🤯 Employers or Hiring Managers [VoteSub]

Hey everyone, My name is Kiran A. Bansode. I'm a self-taught Full-Stack web developer.

This is 2nd blog of Building Projects to impress 🤯🤯 Employers or Hiring Managers[VoteSub] series.

So as from 1st blog you already know, Why I'm buiding this project ?

In this blog I'm going to share you, What I did in last 3 days ?

Day - 1 [Thursday, 28/10/2021]

No matter what if your project is small or big, SDLC(Software Development Life-Cycle) methodology will provide clearly defined processes for creating high-quality software.

This methodology consist following phases -

  • Requirement(Research)
  • Design
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Production
  • Maintenance

On Day - 1, I did some research for my project like, Which will be most common input fields ? What data will be required for firebase to create a new user ? ... and much more.

On the basis of that research, I designed two pages using Figma.

You can view them in Figma designs here

Day - 2 [Friday, 29/10/2021]

Day - 2 was all about setting up project and adding required dependencies. I installed following dependencies -

  • @mui/material, @mui/icons-material, @emotion/react, @emotion/styled,
  • @reduxjs/toolkit, react-redux
  • react-hook-form, yup, @hookform/resolvers
  • sass, styled-components

I also install devDependencies like -

  • prettier
  • eslint
  • husky
  • lint-staged
  • commitlint

The will help me to have readable and maintainable code. I also configured ESLint, Prettier, Husky and commitlint using their official docs.

I also use git branching strategy. So far, I created 2 branches

  1. master - production or live website related code
  2. develop - development realated code

In future there will be 2 more branches.

  1. testing
  2. staging

Note : I changed my default git branch to develop. So those who forked my git repo, please adjust your fork repo setting(I don't know How to ? so can't suggest anything).

Day - 3 [Saturday, 30/10/2021]

Not able to do much project related work because of school. But what ever time I got after school work, I was able to identify 3 most common component that I'll be needed most.
I added them as card in trello.

You can view trello cards here

I also added some more lists. Those lists reflects actual SDLC(it still not complete).

In next week I'll start coding phase of project for those 2 pages (Login and Registration Page). In that week I will convert designs into code. Also add redux store and connect project to firebase backend. For this I'm going to use Agile model. I'll complete this project in weekly sprints.

This week is going to be hectic because of Diwali vacation. Also I'll need to check my school's Semester - 1 papers. This is going to be fun and challenging.

So till then bye bye . See on next Sunday.

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