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sasi kiran
sasi kiran

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Introduction of Javascript: Best Javascript Frameworks to use

n this blog, I am going to explain to you more about Best Javascript frameworks to use in 2019. What comes to mind when one hears the word javascript?

Some would think of it as a language used at frontend, can be used to trigger any event and handle that event, can be used to send a request and get a response from the backend or from an API.

Nowadays developers are also using it as a platform to implement backend, to connect with the server and perform operations on the server.

Javascript is basically a high-level, interpreted, event-driven, object-oriented and functional scripting language.

If we go in the history of javascript, it was just used to apply the logic and handle the events at the frontend. But, now there are a large number of frameworks that are built for javascript to implement the various functionalities. There are a number of libraries that are used across the world for UI and functionalities.

Vanilla Javascript is the basic Javascript i.e not extended by any frameworks. Frameworks are used in the javascript to overcome some shortcomings and to implement new functionalities.

Javascript Frameworks

Let’s go deeper into Javascript Frameworks.

Think about it as when one starts building a house by making its own building material, it means building a house from scratch rather than taking already made material.

Similarly, in the case of javascript, frameworks are the collections of pre-defined libraries which can be directly used in the code and rather than writing the whole code from scratch.

For Example -:

If there is a need to embed a javascript carousel on your webpage, we can use UI frameworks of the javascript for this purpose and their other functionalities as well. Material.js, Ant-Design are examples of such frameworks.

There are a vast number of javascript frameworks available today, but very few are used on a large scale.

So, the biggest question is, which of the frameworks are most popular today and Why?

According to the statistics of Stackover Flow, before 2016 jquery was the most widely used library. 8% of the questions asked were from the jquery itself. In 2016, this trend completely changed when Angular and React were introduced in the javascript world. They were quickly adopted by everyone as they provide a well-defined entire structure for a Single Page Application (SPA).

There are other frameworks that are popular and widely used, but not as popular as react and angular.

The Top 5 Javascript Frameworks in 2019-:


Now, we will discuss more ReactJS and AngularJS

ReactJS is the open-source javascript framework created at facebook. It is used for building User Interface for Single Page Applications. It handles the view layer of the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.

It uses JSX, not regular javascript. JSX is HTML coded tags that are used to call subcomponents. These HTML tags are converted into javascript calls and we can also use plain javascript in the curly braces inside the JSX.

Single-Way Data Flow

In React, the immutable properties are transferred to its components.

Single-Way Data Flow Javascript Frameworks

At redux the data is immutable at the top, it flows down the path in the form of properties.

Later, when the data has to be changed the callback functions use calls in the upward flow and change the immutable data utilizing certain properties and methods.

These properties can not be changed directly. They can only be changed with the help of callback functions that are called in the upward flow. Basically, properties or data only flow down the hierarchy of components and if any action is called, it goes back in the hierarchy.

It uses a concept of states and properties so, every time the state changes, react does not change the whole Document Object Model (DOM), it only renders the component that actually changed.

react dom and virtual dom javascript frameworks

This is how React.js updates the Document Object Model ( It only changes the part of the component that is updated )

AngularJS is the open source based on the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. It is used to create dynamic HTML webpages. Its MVC architecture lets us implement the business layer, data layer, and presentation layer separately. AngularJS was started as a project in Google, later on, it became like an open-source project. Due to ideas from the communities, its framework is always kept up to date.

AngularJS Architecture

AngularJS Architecture in javascript frameworks

The Controller is used for implementing the business logic. A user triggers the event that is saved inside the controller.

The view is used to present the data, on a presentation layer.

Model is used to implement the data structures that are used to store the data in temporary variables. The data stored can be simple as well as complex.

Data-Model Binding
Data can be bind with HTML tags easily. We don’t need to learn special syntax to bind the data with HTML. We have to use simple javascript and HTML along with small angular code snippets to make it work.

Writing Less Code
We have to write very less in case of manipulating DOM. In javascript, we make a large number of changes when manipulating the DOM, but it’s not with Angular.

That’s all for this blog.

Hopefully, you understand the introduction of javascript and how the Javascript Frameworks are associated with it.

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Top comments (1)

talorlanczyk profile image

I think you meant Angular 2+(11 now)
Angular JS is the name of the first Angular which isn't supported anymore