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Kirill Konshin
Kirill Konshin

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React, JSX, ES module imports (dynamic too) in browser without Webpack

This article is an attempt to put together everything available at the moment and see if it is really possible to implement production ready React-based website without pre-compilation like Webpack/Parcel or at least to have as less pre-compilation as possible.


It is possible to serve React project with minimal compilation of JSX without using bundlers like Webpack or Parcel.

Bundlers pack code into chunks, which has drawbacks: chunks have to be small enough to deliver only what's needed and big enough to make better use of HTTP1.1 connections. Finding the right balance may be tricky and involves some automatic and manual tuning. In addition it slows down the build and dev mode.

We will use Service Workers to do all the work in runtime and some Babel for production build.

Everything described in the article is highly experimental and I am cutting corners everywhere. By no means I recommend to use any of that in production :)

Current state

Ability to use ECMAScript modules (<script type="module"/> with imports like import Foo from './foo'; and import('./Foo')) directly in browser is quite well known at the moment and has good browser support:

But in reality we don't just import our own modules, we import libraries. There is a great article on this topic: Also there's another worth to mention project

Among other important things from the articles, these ones will be crucial in order to make React app work:

  • Package specifier imports support (or import maps): when we import react in reality we should import something like
  • UMD support: React is still distributed as UMD and so far there's still an ongoing discussion how to publish it using ES modules
  • JSX
  • Import CSS

Let's solve these issues one by one.

Project structure

First things first, let's assume the project will have the following structure:

  • node_modules obviously a place where we will install all dependencies
  • src dir with index*.html and service scripts
    • app app source code

Package specifier imports support

In order to use React like so import React from 'react'; we need to tell the browser where to find the actual source. This is quite simple, there's a shim for that:

Let's install the shim and React:

$ npm i es-module-shims react react-dom --save
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In order to launch the app we can do something like this in public/index-dev.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <div id="root"></div>

  <script defer src="../node_modules/es-module-shims/dist/es-module-shims.js"></script>

  <script type="importmap-shim">
      "imports": {
        "react": "../node_modules/react/umd/react.development.js",
        "react-dom": "../node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.development.js"

  <script type="module-shim">
    import './app/index.jsx';

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Where in src/app/index.jsx we will have:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';

(async () => {
  const {Button} = await import('./Button.jsx');
  const root = document.getElementById('root');
  ), root);
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And the src/app/Button.jsx:

import React from 'react';
export const Button = ({children}) => <button>{children}</button>;
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Does it work? Of course, no. Even though we've successfully imported everything.

Let's move on to the next challenge.

UMD support

Dynamic way

The issue now is that React is distributed as UMD, it cannot be consumed by imports, even by the shimmed ones (if the ticket is resolved, just skip this step). So we need to somehow patch the distributable to convince browser that it's a legit ES modules.

The above mentioned article led me to an idea that we can use Service Workers to intercept and pre-process network requests. Let's create the main endpoint src/index.js, which will bootstrap the SW and App and use it instead of the App directly (src/app/index.jsx):

(async () => {

  try {
    const registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.register('sw.js');
    await navigator.serviceWorker.ready;

    const launch = async () => import("./app/index.jsx");

    // this launches the React app if the SW has been installed before or immediately after registration
    if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
      await launch();
    } else {

navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', launch);

  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Service worker registration failed', error);
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And then let's create the Service Worker (src/sw.js):

//this is needed to activate the worker immediately without reload
self.addEventListener('activate', event => event.waitUntil(clients.claim()));

const globalMap = {
    'react': 'React',
    'react-dom': 'ReactDOM'

const getGlobalByUrl = (url) => Object.keys(globalMap).reduce((res, key) => {
    if (res) return res;
    if (matchUrl(url, key)) return globalMap[key];
    return res;
}, null);

const matchUrl = (url, key) => url.includes(`/${key}/`);

self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {

  const {request: {url}} = event;

  console.log('Req', url);

  const fileName = url.split('/').pop();
  const ext = fileName.includes('.') ? url.split('.').pop() : '';

  if (!ext && !url.endsWith('/')) {
    url = url + '.jsx';

  if (globalMap && Object.keys(globalMap).some(key => matchUrl(url, key))) {
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(body => new Response(`
          const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
          const script = document.createElement('script');
          script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
          export default window.${getGlobalByUrl(url)};
        `, {
          headers: new Headers({
            'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'
  } else if (url.endsWith('.js')) { // rewrite for import('./Panel') with no extension
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(body => new Response(
            headers: new Headers({
              'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'

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Here's what we've done here:

  1. We have created the export map, which associates package id with global var name
  2. We have created a script tag in head with contents of UMD-packaged script
  3. We've exported the mapped global var as default export of module

For the sake of tech demo this method of patching should be enough, but it may break with other UMD declaration. Something more robust can be used to process sources.

Now let's adjust the src/index-dev.html to use the bootstrap entry point:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <div id="root"></div>

  <script defer src="../node_modules/es-module-shims/dist/es-module-shims.js"></script>

  <script type="importmap-shim">... same as before</script>

  <!-- change the file from app/index.jsx to index.js -->
  <script type="module-shim" src="index.js"></script>

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Now we're able to import React and React DOM.

Static way

It's worth to mention, that there's also another way. We can install ESM distributable:

npm install esm-react --save
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And then use following map:

  "imports": {
    "react": "../node_modules/esm-react/src/react.js",
    "react-dom": "../node_modules/esm-react/src/react-dom.js"
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But unfortunately this project is quite stale, latest is 16.8.3 whereas React is 16.10.2.


There are two ways to do the JSX compilation. We can either go traditional way and use Babel to pre-compile or we can use it in runtime. Of course for production it would make much more sense to pre-compile, development mode can be more brutal. Since we already use Service Worker let's enhance it.

Let's install a special Babel package that can do it:

$ npm install @babel/standalone --save-dev
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Now let's add following to the Service Worker (src/sw.js):

# src/sw.js
// at the very top of the file

// activation stuff as before

self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {

  // whatever we had before

  } else if (url.endsWith('.jsx')) {
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(body => new Response(
          //TODO Cache
          Babel.transform(body, {
            presets: [
            plugins: [
              sourceMaps: true
              headers: new Headers({
                'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'

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Here we've used same approach to intercept the network request and respond with slightly different content, in this case we use Babel to transform the original response. Please note that plugin for dynamic import has a different name syntax-dynamic-import, not a usual @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import due to Standalone usage.


In the above mentioned article author used text transformation, here we will go a bit further and inject the CSS in the page. For that we again will use the Service Worker (src/sw.js):

// same as before

self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {

  // whatever we had before + Babel stuff

  } else if (url.endsWith('.css')) {
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(body => new Response(
          //TODO We don't track instances, so 2x import will result in 2x <style> tags
            const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
            const style = document.createElement('style');
            style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
            export default null;
            headers: new Headers({
              'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'

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Et voila! If you now open the src/index-dev.html in the browser you'll see the buttons. Make sure the proper Service Worker is being picked up, if you're not sure, open Dev Tools, go to Application tab and Service Workers section, Unregister everything and reload the page.

More production friendly case

The above mentioned code works fine for dev mode, but realistically we don't want all of the app users to compile the code in their browsers, it's impractical. So let's push things a bit further and make the minimalistic production mode.

In order to do that we will create one more index file src/index.html with following content:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<div id="root"></div>

<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>

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As you see, no shims here, we will use different technique to do rewrites. Since we still have to use Babel to compile JSX we can also rewrite module paths there instead of using importMap.json for the shim. Let's install everything:

$ npm install @babel/cli @babel/core @babel/preset-react @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import babel-plugin-module-resolver --save-dev
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Let's add the scripts section to package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm run build -- --watch",
    "build": "babel src/app --out-dir build/app --source-maps --copy-files"
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Next let's add .babelrc.js:

module.exports = {
  presets: [
  plugins: [
        alias: {
          'react': './node_modules/react/umd/react.development.js',
          'react-dom': './node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.development.js'
        // we replace as follows to make sure we stay in build dir
        resolvePath: (sourcePath, currentFile, opts) => resolvePath(sourcePath, currentFile, opts).replace('../../', '../')
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Keep in mind that this file will be used only for production, for dev we configure Babel in the Service Worker.

Also let's add production mode support to Service Worker:

// src/index.js
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
    (async () => {

        try {

            // adding this
            const production = !window.location.toString().includes('index-dev.html');

            const config = {
                globalMap: {
                    'react': 'React',
                    'react-dom': 'ReactDOM'

            const registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.register('sw.js?' + JSON.stringify(config));

            await navigator.serviceWorker.ready;

            const launch = async () => {
                if (production) {
                    await import("./app/index.js");
                } else {
                    await import("./app/index.jsx");

            // this launches the React app if the SW has been installed before or immediately after registration
            if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
                await launch();
            } else {

navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', launch);

        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Service worker registration failed', error);

} else {
    alert('Service Worker is not supported');
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And use the condition in src/sw.js:

// src/sw.js
const {globalMap, production} = JSON.parse((decodeURIComponent( || '?{}').substr(1));

if (!production) importScripts('../node_modules/@babel/standalone/babel.js');
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Also replace

// src/sw.js
   if (!ext && !url.endsWith('/')) {
     url = url + '.jsx' with
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// src/sw.js
   if (!ext && !url.endsWith('/')) {
     url = url + '.' + (production ? 'js' : 'jsx');
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Now let's add a build script which will copy everything needed to build dir:

# cleanup
rm -rf build

# create directories
mkdir -p build/scripts
mkdir -p build/node_modules

# copy used node modules
cp -r ./node_modules/react       ./build/node_modules/react
cp -r ./node_modules/react-dom   ./build/node_modules/react-dom

# copy files that are not built
cp ./src/*.js        ./build
cp ./src/index.html  ./build/index.html

# build
npm run build
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We do this to make node_modules leaner by skipping build dependencies.

Here's the final state:

GitHub logo kirill-konshin / pure-react-with-dynamic-imports

Pure react with dynamic imports in the browser

Now if you open build/index.html you will see the same output as for src/index-dev.html but this time browser won't build Babel, it will use pre-built files.

As you see, the solution now has duplicates, like importMap.json, the alias section in .babelrc.js and list of files to be copied in For demo purposes it's fine but for real usage it would be better to automate this.

Here's the published build:


HTTP2 should take care of those small source files sent over the network, hopefully.

Here's the repo where I have put everything together:

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