
Cover image for CSS FRAMEWORKS
Kwadwo Nyarko
Kwadwo Nyarko

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In this article, we will learn about CSS Frameworks. What they are, the need to learn them and why to use them, and some frameworks available on the market.

Table of content:

  • What are CSS Frameworks?
  • Why Use CSS Frameworks?
  • Examples of CSS Frameworks

What are CSS Frameworks?
CSS Frameworks are libraries that allow programmers to write and break down complex codes into simpler units. Software developers can write simple and easy codes which makes developers work more easier.CSS Frameworks make web design more responsive since most come with in-built libraries.

Why use CSS Frameworks?
Starting projects from beginning to end can become tiresome. Frameworks come in to make one's work easier. The following are some reasons to use CSS Frameworks.

Saves Time
One advantage why developers need to use CSS Frameworks is because of its simplicity and ability to save time while working on multiple projects at a time with just pure CSS. This can become hectic at times and that’s when CSS Frameworks comes in to help offload the time used in building projects.

Reduces the number of codes
With ready-to-use CSS libaries.CSS Frameworks help developers to reduce the number of written lines of code. Rather than writing thousands of lines of code, CSS frameworks are written in the HTML with fewer code lines without leaving the HTML.

Responsive Design
Responsive design is about creating web pages that fully fits and looks good on all devices thus on desktop, laptops, tablets, or mobile phones.CSS frameworks does a great job when it comes to building user-friendly apps and websites. It comes with in-built properties such as flexboxes and grid which helps in building apps and sites

Examples of CSS Frameworks

There are tons of CSS Frameworks to choose from. The following are some CSS Frameworks.


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Tailwindcss is a utility-first-class framework for rapidly building modern websites without ever leaving your HTML. Its free, open-source utilities first CSS Framework. It was initially created by Adam Wathan and had its first version released on 1st November 2017.


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Bootstrap is one of the oldest and most popular CSS Frameworks. Built by Mark Otto(Designer) and Jacob Thornton(Developer) at Twitter in mid-2010. It has become widely used by most developers. It is an open-source framework and was known as Twitter Blueprint.


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Bulma is an open-source framework that is based on Flexbox. First released in 2016, this framework is one of the most popular frameworks. This is also an open-source code that helps you save time in building responsive sites and apps.


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This is a free open-source and responsive front-end framework created by ZURB in September 2011, this CSS framework is one of the best in creating responsive apps, and it is good for beginners and user-friendly to learn. In 2008 it was as an internal style guide. It emerged as a ZURB project to develop front-end code more efficiently.


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Semantic UI is a development framework that helps create beautiful, responsive layouts using human-friendly HTML. Created by Jack Lukic, it was first released in November 2014. It integrates CSS and jQuery to build an interface just like Bootstrap. It's easy to learn and unpacks a variety of themes and CSS and JavaScript files.

And that’s it for CSS Frameworks. Take your time to look through and learn the one that favors you.CSS Frameworks can be of great help in building faster and user-friendly interfaces for your apps and websites.

Top comments (2)

danielasaboro profile image

Although I'm not a frontend developer, I do create the user facing side of websites from time to time. This is my first time hearing about Buma and Foundation, I will take time to check them out.

Thank you for taking out your time to share this with us

kojoskillz profile image
Kwadwo Nyarko

Sure sire, my pleasure