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Kwadwo Nyarko
Kwadwo Nyarko

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A Guide On How To Become A Front-End Developer

In this guide we will learn what front-end development is, the skills needed, and how to get into front-end development.

What is frontend development?
Frontend development is an aspect of software engineering that mostly deals with the user interface. Most frontend developers learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript, the three most important tools used in making websites, others might also learn frameworks such as tailwindcss, react js, angular bootstrap, and so on. Frontend developers also use tools such as Git and GitHub. Git is a version control system that works hand in hand with Github which is a hosting server site for managing and storing codes.
In this how-to guide, we will learn what these tools are and where to learn them.
What skills do front-end developers need?
Front-end developers are much needed in our world today. The basic skills needed are as follows:
HTML(Hypertext Markup Language): This can be said as the basics of all websites. It is the building block of all websites which can perfectly be known as the skeleton of the sites. It deals with written words, their positions, etc.
CSS(Cascading Stylesheet):
This is used to style up the website, it can be the background color of the site, the color of texts, images, font style, sizes, etc. It's used in making websites more beautiful. It's more like putting a skin/body on a skeleton.
JavaScript: Javascript simply makes websites more interactive, it adds more functionality to sites. Deals with how sites behave such as the user clicking on a like button etc.

Steps of becoming a frontend developer

Step 1: Planning
Make a plan on how you want to get into front-end development, it can be by taking a course online, joining a boot camp, or going to a university to get a diploma or degree certificate. Online courses have become popular over the years and the following are some online courses to learn from are as follows:

  • FreeCodeCamp
  • Codecademy
  • Web3
  • Microverse

You can also self-learn this from youtube channels. Recommended ones are:

  • Super simple
  • FreeCodeCamp
  • CodewithMosh

Step 2: Build Projects
Practice makes perfect. You can build projects to gain experience. These sites are my favorite for gaining experience in web development.

  • Codewars
  • Hackerank

Step 3: Build Your Portfolio
Begin to build your portfolio by working on your favorite. Work on what you love the most, it could be working on your favorite project such as a restaurant site, movie site, to-do list, weather app, etc.

Step 4: Apply for jobs/internships
You can apply for jobs or internships to gain much more experience on the job. Make sure you go through some coding challenges. I will recommend Leetcode interview challenges.

Hope this guide helped you to become the front-end developer you've dreamt of.

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