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Nick K
Nick K

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JS interview in 2 minutes / Higher Order Functions

Explain Higher Order Functions in Javascript.

Quick answer:
These are functions that return other functions.

UPD: as @mazentouati noted in the comments, Higher Order Functions are also functions that accept a function as its parameter. Wikipedia


Longer answer:
In JavaScript, you can return objects of any type as a result of the function or receive an object of any type as a parameter. This means you can create a function that will return a function.

function higherFunction() {
  return function regularFunction() {
    console.log('Hello world!')

const a = higherFunction() // won't print anything
a() // Hello world!

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You can also try to create even more nested functions.

const a = () => () => () => () => console.log('Hello world')
const b = a()
const c = b()
const d = c()

d() // Hello world!

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You can pass functions to a function that will execute functions in some specific order.

const pipe = (...args) => 
  (init) => 
    args.reduce((acc, cur) => cur(acc), init)

const a = pipe(
 (val) => val + 1,
 (val) => val * 2,
 (val) => console.log("Got", val),

a(10) // Got 22

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And more other fun ways to use functions 🤪

Real-life example:
Some frameworks (angular) and libraries (MobX) heavily rely on decorators, but decorators are no more than Higher Order Functions themselves.

const logDecorator = (wrapped) => {
  return (...args) => {
    console.log(`Invoked ${} with args ${args}`)

const tmp = (param) => {
  console.log('Do nothing, but just show param:', param) 

const wrappedTmp = logDecorator(tmp)
wrappedTmp('Hello world!')
// Invoked tmp with args Hello world!
// Do nothing, but just show param: Hello world!

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Some other libraries (RxJs) may use it as configurable helpers.

// These functions can by provided by a library itself
const uppercase = (a) => a.toUpperCase();
const removePunctuation = (a) => a.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z ]/g, '')

// pipe is a Higher Order Function that returns a function, which will apply all functions one by one
const process = pipe(

console.log(process('qwe-qwe'), process('Hello world!'))

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Older posts:

Btw, I will post more fun stuff here and on Twitter. Let's be friends 👋

Top comments (7)

mazentouati profile image
Mazen Touati

Nice read Nikita!

It would be more insightful to clearly state that Higher Order Function should meet one of these conditions or both of them:

  • It returns a function
  • It accepts at least one function as a parameter (Like reduce that's being used in the example).
kettanaito profile image
Artem Zakharchenko

Yeap, that's completely true. The original short definition:

These are functions that return other functions.

Should be changed to something like:

These are functions that accept a function as an argument or return other functions

hexnickk profile image
Nick K

Hey, thanks for the comment!

That's totally right, needed to double-check the definition, my bad. I've added an update note with a mention to the second section 🙏

Thanks again!

johnny_ness profile image

awesome! the most easy way to learn about high order function !

hexnickk profile image
Nick K

Glad you like it ✨

midasxiv profile image

Good read! :D

hexnickk profile image
Nick K

Thanks! ⭐️