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Project Structure
Having a good project structure is good practise on software development. If you go to google and search for "Flutter project structure" you will find a lot of articles talking about it. The project structure that I use here may not be ideal for you (as assume that you'll use bloc for state managment) but will give you a hint on the best way to structure you code.
After you create a flutter project it appear as show below:
The project structure will start on the lib folder in the flutter project:
From the lib directory, the project is divided in "core" directory, "ui" directory and main.dart
├─ core : The directory where has all the
logic from the project.
├─ ui : The directory where has all the views
(pages) from the project.
├─ main.dart : the main dart file which initialize our project calling the "ui/app.dart" that we will talk later.
From the core directory, the project is divided in "bloc" directory, "data" directory, "shared" directory, and routes.dart & system.dart
├─ bloc : The directory where we put all the bloc files, with the logic of our application.
├─ data : The directory where we put all the models, services that can be used on bloc.
├─ shared: The directory where we put files that configure our fonts (app_fonts.dart), colors app_colors.dart, icons app_icons.dart, global variables (app_global.dart) and more.
├─ routes.dart : File where you configure your routes. [Optional - I use to configure Fluro routes]
├─ system.dart: File where you configure your system behavior. [Optional - I use to configure statusBarColor and more => search on google]
From the ui directory, the project is divided in app.dart and more
├─ app.dart : File where you configure the MaterialApp, Bloc initializaion, Route initializaion.
You can find the code in the Repo below
Chapter 01 - Project structure on my Flutter Mobile serie articles
Kradnoel Flutter Dev Serie: Chapter 01 - Project Structure
Set up
Local development
- Clone this repository and
into it
git clone
cd chapter01_project_structure
- Run the project
flutter run
What are you thoughts on the project structure showed above, let me know commenting this article
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