
Ravishankar Kumar
Ravishankar Kumar

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0. About this article(DevOps):

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In this article we will go through the index or curriculum of the DevOps:

why DevOps?

  1. some don’t know about infra
  2. don’t have proper knowledge of cloud computing
  3. unaware of coding(scripting)

Note: in this article we will go through absolute beginners who don’t know anything but have eager to learn by heart.

If you want to go through the full tutorial You can reach here and watch all the tutorials and go through the practical's

we will follow the DevOps in 8 steps:

  1. Basics of Linux, Server Management in Linux, vagrant, Basics of networking, Vprofile project intro and setup of VM’s
  2. Cloud Computing intro | AWS, IAM , Ec2 Instances, EBS Volumes, ELB, S3 Cloud watch, RDS, Autoscaling, Route53, Vprofile Project setup on AWS Cloud
  3. Git, Maven, Jenkins, Continuous Integration/Delivery, CICD Pipelines, Nexus, Sonarqube, Jenkins Administration, Pipeline As a Code
  4. Bash Scripting, Variables, Conditions, Loops etc, Automating day to day admin task, Python programming basics, Vars, Datatypes, Conditions, Loops, function, Modules etc, Pythons for automating OS tasks
  5. Ansible Intro, AdHoc commands, Modules, YAML intro, Playbooks, Vars, Conditions, loops, handlers, Templates etc., Variables deep dive and roles, ansible for AWS
  6. AWS part 2, VPC in depth, Log management and custom metrics, Cloud Watch, AWS Cli and S3 cli, Beanstalk and RDS, Vprofile on Beanstalk, code commit, code build and code pipeline
  7. docker intro, Understanding and Implementing containers, Volumes, Network, Logs etc., Building Images for Vprofile Project, Docker compose to run Vprofile multicontainers, Kubernetes intro, Kubernetes setup for production Env, Kubernetes objects, Pods, Services, Controllers, Deployment Replication, AutoScaling, Resources quotes, Secret, ConfigMap, namespace
  8. Cloud Automation with Terraform and cloud Formation.

Disclaimer: Don’t rush do step by step good things takes time.

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