DEV Community

Krishna Bhamare
Krishna Bhamare

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React | Create a custom counter hook.

In React, a hook is a special function that allows you to "hook into" React features. Custom hooks are a way to reuse stateful logic between components.

Here's an example of a simple custom hook that keeps track of the number of times a button has been clicked:

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This hook is a regular JavaScript function that happens to use the useState hook from React. It returns an object with two properties: count and increment. The count property is the current count and the increment method updates the count.

Here's an example of how you can use the useCounter hook in a component:

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  • You can see, how useCounter hook is being imported and used inside the component Counter by calling it and then using the returned object count and increment methods.

  • In this example the component Counter use the hook useCounter on every re-render, which keep the current state of count, onClick event of the button increment the count and it will be reflected inside the component on re-rendering.


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