As a frontend developer you most likely had a task to display data in a table and as an Angular frontend developer, you probably picked Angular Material to do so.
In my previous article Angular: Infinite Scrolling I mentioned how you can infinite table scrolling starting with a initial few elements, however despite it is a good UX solution, sometimes we have to go with the traditional pagination.
When you search for MatPaginator you find your solution, however, one thing to note … Angular’s pagination doesn’t look appealing at all. Wouldn't it be nice if we could keep its navigation, but change its visuals into something else?
The Goal
In the following article we will walk step-by-step how we can implement a custom directive and attach it to the mat-paginator
which will completly change its UI to the example below.
The whole source code is available on StackBlitz.

We will create a directive called appBubblePagination
, which will leverage the power of Renderer2
to create custom UI elements replacing the default pagination layout, and the directive usage will be as follows:
<table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource" [trackBy]="identity">
<!-- table content -->
Step 1.) Create a Directive
To achieve the goal of changing the visual aspect of the mat-pagination, we create a directive and import the following dependencies.
selector: '[appBubblePagination]',
standalone: true,
export class BubblePaginationDirective {
@Host() @Self() @Optional() private readonly matPag: MatPaginator,
private elementRef: ElementRef,
private ren: Renderer2
) {}
The dependencies are used as follows:
- is the reference to the attachedmat-paginator
. It will be used to manually change the pagination index by clicking on custom bubbles. -
- is the reference to the DOM elements (mat-paginator
) to which the directive is attached. It will be used to get the reference where to render additional HTML elements. Read more on Angular docs. -
- allows to render HTML elements, add/remove css classes and attach listeners (click, hover). Read more on Angular docs.
Step 2.) Modify Default Layout
Next, we want to slightly change the visual aspect of the default pagination. Below is the illustration of the starting and ending state.
The changes include:
- Removing “items per page” text
- Put the current pagination number (1-20) to right and modify its visuals
With the dependencies ElementRef
and Renderer2
, we modify the layout as follows:
export class BubblePaginationDirective implements AfterViewInit {
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
private styleDefaultPagination() {
const nativeElement = this.elementRef.nativeElement;
const itemsPerPage = nativeElement.querySelector(
const howManyDisplayedEl = nativeElement.querySelector(
// remove 'items per page', 'display', 'none');
// style text of how many elements are currently displayed, 'position', 'absolute');, 'left', '0');, 'color', '#919191');, 'font-size', '14px');
Step 3.) Insert a DIV between Navigation Button
Upon inspecting the HTML element we see that there is a mat-mdc-paginator-range-actions
class attached to a div wrapper element. We want to target this div and insert a new div
element between the left and right arrow buttons. It will be used as a place where to generate the custom bubble pagination buttons.
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
private createBubbleDivRef(): void {
const actionContainer = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector(
const nextButtonDefault = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector(
// create a HTML element where all bubbles will be rendered
this.bubbleContainerRef ='div') as HTMLElement;, 'g-bubble-container');
// render element before the 'next button' is displayed
We get the reference to the div wrapper element by actionContainer
, however we also need the nextButtonDefault
in order to properly attach our div
element into DOM, where the buttons will be rendered. We also save this reference into bubbleContainerRef
Using the
we attach the div
element inside the mat-mdc-paginator-range-actions
class, putting the div
element before the pagination’s next button.
If we were used, this.bubbleContainerRef);
the end result would be rendered buttons after the arrow navigation.
Step 4.) Render Buttons to the DOM
In the fourth step, we want to render the first and the last button and add dots between them and the rest of the buttons. Even if we render everything the this example, what you will see that initially every element is set to display: none
, where on the next step we will reveal only the necessary items.
export class BubblePaginationDirective implements AfterViewInit {
* how many elements are in the table
@Input() appCustomLength: number = 0;
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
// .... previous code
* end result: (1) .... (4) (5) (6) ... (25)
private buildButtons(): void {
const neededButtons = Math.ceil(
this.appCustomLength / this.matPag.pageSize
// if there is only one page, do not render buttons
if (neededButtons === 1) {, 'display', 'none');
// create first button
this.buttonsRef = [this.createButton(0)];
// add dots (....) to UI
this.dotsStartRef = this.createDotsElement();
// create all buttons needed for navigation (except the first & last one)
for (let index = 1; index < neededButtons - 1; index++) {
this.buttonsRef = [...this.buttonsRef, this.createButton(index)];
// add dots (....) to UI
this.dotsEndRef = this.createDotsElement();
// create last button to UI after the dots (....)
this.buttonsRef = [
this.createButton(neededButtons - 1),
* create button HTML element
private createButton(i: number): HTMLElement {
const bubbleButton ='div');
const text = + 1));
// add class & text, 'g-bubble');, 'margin-right', '8px');, text);
// react on click, 'click', () => {
// render on UI, bubbleButton);
// set style to hidden by default, 'display', 'none');
return bubbleButton;
* Helper function to switch page
private switchPage(i: number): void {
const previousPageIndex = this.matPag.pageIndex;
this.matPag.pageIndex = i;
Let’s recap what’s going on.
Function buildButtons()
- calculate how many pagination buttons to render by
as it is the total amount of the elements in the table (appCustomLength
) divided by the pagination size. - If elements in table are fewer than pagination size, we don’t render anything
- If there is more items in table (
> 1) we:- render the first button
- render dots
- render the remaining buttons except the last one
- render dots
- render the last button
- save the buttons from
array, as they will be needed later
Function createButton()
- receives an index, increments it by one and attach this values as a text value to the button with some additional CSS classes
- every buttons is hidden from the DOM, set by, 'display', 'none');
. On later step we display/hide some of them as user navigates by clicking on them. - by attaching the click event listener on each button, 'click' ...)
, we call the helper functionswitchPage()
to change the current page.
From the above example the createDotsElement()
is not present, as it is a renderer function similar to createButton()
and we also create some CSS classes like g-bubble
for styling.
Side-Note: In switchPage()
I am not necessarily sure why with _emitPageEvent
needs to emit the previousPageIndex
. I wasn’t able to find an answer for it, but it works.
Step 5.) Listen on User Navigation Clicks
As the last step we want to implement the logic that will listen to the user clicks on bubble buttons and change the active index with styling.
At this moment all the buttons are hidden and their reference is kept in buttonsRef
. We want to display only the first 2-3 buttons and as the user navigates to either direction, we want to display additional 2 buttons to right and left, and also the dots between the first and the last buttons if the user is in the middle of the navigation.
export class BubblePaginationDirective implements AfterViewInit {
private buttonsRef: HTMLElement[] = [];
// .... previous code
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
map((e) => [e.previousPageIndex ?? 0, e.pageIndex]),
startWith([0, 0])
.subscribe(([prev, curr]) => {
this.changeActiveButtonStyles(prev, curr);
// .... previous code
private changeActiveButtonStyles(previousIndex: number, newIndex: number) {
const previouslyActive = this.buttonsRef[previousIndex];
const currentActive = this.buttonsRef[newIndex];
// remove active style from previously active button, 'g-bubble__active');
// add active style to new active button, 'g-bubble__active');
// hide all buttons
this.buttonsRef.forEach((button) =>, 'display', 'none')
// show 2 previous buttons and 2 next buttons
const renderElements = 2;
const endDots = newIndex < this.buttonsRef.length - renderElements - 1;
const startDots = newIndex - renderElements > 0;
const firstButton = this.buttonsRef[0];
const lastButton = this.buttonsRef[this.buttonsRef.length - 1];
// last bubble and dots, 'display', endDots ? 'block' : 'none');, 'display', endDots ? 'flex' : 'none');
// first bubble and dots
startDots ? 'block' : 'none'
);, 'display', startDots ? 'flex' : 'none');
// resolve starting and ending index to show buttons
const startingIndex = startDots ? newIndex - renderElements : 0;
const endingIndex = endDots
? newIndex + renderElements
: this.buttonsRef.length - 1;
// display starting buttons
for (let i = startingIndex; i <= endingIndex; i++) {
const button = this.buttonsRef[i];, 'display', 'flex');
Looks scary right 😓 ? No need to worry tho. Let’s walk thought each step what is happening in this function, help you to understand this nonsense to be able to change it later 🤗.
First, we want to subscribe to the [](
observable and get the previous and new clicked pagination index. The observable is triggered by each bubble button click, because in the previous step we attach switchPage()
function to each bubble.
In changeActiveButtonStyles()
the following happens:
- we swap the
from the previous active bubble into the new one, which highlight the current active button, by the provided new indexes to the function - by default hide all buttons (
display: none
) - determine whether to show end dots and the last button by
, ifnewIndex
is not the last 2 buttons - determine whether to show start dots on the beginning with the first button by
, ifnewIndex
more than 2 - calculate the indexes to show buttons from the
, to show 2 previous buttons (startingIndex
) and 2 next buttons (endingIndex
) - change the display value for buttons that needs to be visible
This blog post outlines how to modify the styling of Angular Material's MatPaginator component to create a custom pagination UI. The post walks through creating a custom directive, modifying the default layout, inserting a div between navigation buttons, rendering buttons to the DOM, and listening for user navigation clicks.
The end result is a custom pagination UI with bubble buttons and dots between the first and last buttons. The whole source code to this example is available on StackBlitz.
I hope you liked the post, give it a heart and you connect with me on: | LinkedIn | Personal Website | Github
Top comments (7)
You need to add to the method removeButtons, this.dotsStartRef);, this.dotsEndRef);
otherwise you get an accumulation of elements with dots
Very nice catch, thanks for the feedback. You are right, I just updated my code with this. However I had to put some conditions around it since I was getting errors if references were undefined
Is there a way to add pageSizeOptions dropdown as part of this custom styling solution?
Like is done by default using mat-paginator.
Also is there a way to default the number of navigation shown?
Such as I only want to show say 3 buttons at a time regardless of how many pages there are. That way the navigation arrows don't move when navigating.
Hey @ccolon13 . About the second part to only displaying N buttons and fist/last button optional I added 3 new inputs to the Stackblitz example.
@Input() showFirstButton = true
- will show the first button if you are in the middle of the navigation@Input() showLastButton = true
- will show the last button if you are in the middle of the navigation@Input() renderButtonsNumber = 2
- you can adjust how many button you want to have visible before & after the selected button.About the first part, I wasn't able to come up with an answer, but if you manage to do it, feel free to post your answer :)
Hello, I found a response for the first part :
on the ngOnChanges of the directive, replace by
if (!changes?.['appCustomLength']?.firstChange || !changes?.['pageSizeCustomValue']?.firstChange)
on the HTML : add (page)="changePagination($event)" and [pageSizeCustomValue]="pageSize" :
[attr.aria-label]="'' | translate"
on the TS :
changePagination(event: any) {
this.pageSize = this.paginator.pageSize;
@krivanek06 I need to add Go to page functionality , instead of Items per page, can you help .
Also the previous and next button- i need to change its size ,but when I try it looks like this

Nice post. Unfortunately the custom navigation does not work with the mat-paginator pageIndex. I am using query parameters to navigate the different pages and I set the current page through pageIndex. appBubblePagination is unable to correctly set the current page based on pageIndex. Is there any way to support that?