DEV Community

Chisom Nwosu
Chisom Nwosu

Posted on

bootstrap or tailwind?πŸ€”

Top comments (8)

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

I prefer tailwind. It's very customizable, but easy to use with frameworks. It's also consistent and has a modern style.

Note: You might get more responses if you add the #discuss tag to your post. :D

annavi11arrea1 profile image
Anna Villarreal

I personally don't like all the extra text in my code from tailwind. Id say bootstrap. That is of course an opinion. :)

ksavthetechdeveloper profile image
Chisom Nwosu

hey there! , i just started my journey learning front-end development. Any tips on where too learn and how to stay consistent?

annavi11arrea1 profile image
Anna Villarreal

The 0 ( 1 ) software network is a great place to meet other developers and work on projects of varying skill levels. We have a discord server and meet semi regularly. Let me know if thats something you are interested in. :)

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ksavthetechdeveloper profile image
Chisom Nwosu

i'll be glad to join thankss!!

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annavi11arrea1 profile image
Anna Villarreal

Ill send you some details very soon! We are currently making some changes! :)

annavi11arrea1 profile image
Anna Villarreal

Here is a link to the server. We just started a new one and are still setting things up, but you are welcome to look around!

eshimischi profile image