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Adrian Kuper
Adrian Kuper

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How-To: Setup a unit-testable Jenkins shared pipeline library

(Originally posted on

In this blog post I will try to explain how to setup and develop a shared pipeline library for Jenkins, that is easy to work on and can be unit tested with JUnit and Mockito.

NOTE: This blog post is kinda long and touches many topics without explaining them in full detail. If you don't feel like following along a lengthy tutorial you can have a look at the complete example library on GitHub. Also if you have questions, or really any kind of feedback on what I could improve, please leave a comment and I will come back to you asap ;) Additionally, if you are completely unfamiliar with Jenkins Shared Libraries, you should probably read about them first in the official docs.

Let's get going!

Basic Development Setup

First, let's create a new IntelliJ IDEA project. I suggest using the IntelliJ IDEA for Jenkins shared pipeline development, because it is the only IDE I know of, that properly supports Java and Groovy and has Gradle support. So, if you don't have it installed it yet, you can download it here for Windows, Linux or MacOS. Also make sure to have the Java Development Kit installed, which is available here.

When everything is ready, start IntelliJ, create a new project, select Gradle and make sure to set the checkbox on Groovy.


Next up, enter a GroupId and an ArtifactId.


Ignore the next window (the defaults are fine), click "Next", enter a project name and click "Finish".


IntelliJ should boot up with your new project. The folder structure in your project should be something like the following.


This is cool for usual Java/Groovy projects, but for our purpose we have to change things up a bit since Jenkins demands a project structure like this:

+- src                     # Groovy source files
|   +- org
|       +- somecompany
|           +- Bar.groovy  # for class
+- vars
|   +- foo.groovy          # for global 'foo' variable
|   +- foo.txt             # help for 'foo' variable
+- resources               # resource files (external libraries only)
|   +- org
|       +- somecompany
|           +- bar.json    # static helper data for

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  1. add a vars folder to your project root folder
  2. add a resource folder to your project root folder
  3. delete all files/folders inside src and add a new package like org.somecompany
  4. edit the build.gradle file:

group 'somecompany'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'java'

sourceCompatibility = 1.8

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.3.11'
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
    testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:2.+"

sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDirs = []
        groovy {
            // all code files will be in either of the folders
            srcDirs = ['src', 'vars'] 
    test {
        java {
            srcDir 'test'

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After saving, import your changes to the Gradle project:


At this point our project has the right structure to be used as a shared library by Jenkins. But, as you might have seen in the code snippet above, we also added a source directory for unit tests called test. Now is the time to create this folder at the root level of the project and add a package org.somecompany like we did with src. The final structure should look like the following.


Cool, it's time to implement our shared library!

The General Approach

First a quick run-down on how we build our library and on why we do it that way:

  • We will keep the "custom" steps inside var as simple as possible and without any real logic. Instead we create classes (inside src) that do all the work.
  • We create an interface, which declares methods for all required Jenkins steps (sh, bat, error, etc.). The classes call steps only through this interface.
  • We write unit tests for your classes like you normally would using JUnit and Mockito.

This way we are able to:

  • Compile and execute our library/unit tests without Jenkins
  • Test that our classes work as intended
  • Test that Jenkins steps are called with the right parameters
  • Test the behaviour of our code when a Jenkins step fails
  • Build, test, run metrics and deploy your Jenkins Pipeline Library through Jenkins itself

Now let's get really going.

The Interface For Step Access

First, we will create the interface inside org.somecompany that will be used by all classes to access the regular Jenkins steps like sh or error.

package org.somecompany

interface IStepExecutor {
    int sh(String command)
    void error(String message)
    // add more methods for respective steps if needed

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This interface is neat, because it can be mocked inside our unit tests. That way our classes become independent to Jenkins itself. For now, let's add an implementation that will be used in our vars Groovy scripts:

package org.somecompany

class StepExecutor implements IStepExecutor {
    // this will be provided by the vars script and 
    // let's us access Jenkins steps
    private _steps 

    StepExecutor(steps) {
        this._steps = steps

    int sh(String command) { returnStatus: true, script: "${command}"

    void error(String message) {

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Adding Basic Dependency Injection

Because we don't want to use the above implementation in our unit tests, we will setup some basic dependency injection in order to swap the above implementation with a mock during unit tests. If you are not familiar with dependency injection, you should probably read up about it, since explaining it here would be out-of-scope, but you might be fine with just copy-pasting the code in this chapter and follow along.

So, first we create the org.somecompany.ioc package and add an IContext interface:

package org.somecompany.ioc

import org.somecompany.IStepExecutor

interface IContext {
    IStepExecutor getStepExecutor()

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Again, this interface will be mocked for our unit tests. But for regular execution of our library we still need an default implementation:

package org.somecompany.ioc

import org.somecompany.IStepExecutor
import org.somecompany.StepExecutor

class DefaultContext implements IContext, Serializable {
    // the same as in the StepExecutor class
    private _steps

    DefaultContext(steps) {
        this._steps = steps

    IStepExecutor getStepExecutor() {
        return new StepExecutor(this._steps)

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To finish up our basic dependency injection setup, let's add a "context registry" that is used to store the current context (DefaultContext during normal execution and a Mockito mock of IContext during unit tests):

package org.somecompany.ioc

class ContextRegistry implements Serializable {
    private static IContext _context

    static void registerContext(IContext context) {
        _context = context

    static void registerDefaultContext(Object steps) {
        _context = new DefaultContext(steps)

    static IContext getContext() {
        return _context

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That's it! Now we are free to code testable Jenkins steps inside vars.

Coding A Custom Jenkins Step

Let's imagine for our example here, that we want to add a step to our library that calls the .NET build tool "MSBuild" in order to build .NET projects. To do this we first add a groovy script ex_msbuild.groovy to the vars folder that is called like our custom step we want to implement. Since our script is called ex_msbuild.groovy our step will later be callable with ex_mbsbuild in our Jenkinsfile. Add the following content to the script for now:

def call(String solutionPath) {
    // TODO

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According to our general idea we want to keep our ex_msbuild script as simple as possible and do all the work inside a unit-testable class. So let's create a new class MsBuild in a new package


import org.somecompany.IStepExecutor
import org.somecompany.ioc.ContextRegistry

class MsBuild implements Serializable {
    private String _solutionPath

    MsBuild(String solutionPath) {
        _solutionPath = solutionPath

    void build() {
        IStepExecutor steps = ContextRegistry.getContext().getStepExecutor()

        int returnStatus ="echo \"building ${this._solutionPath}...\"")
        if (returnStatus != 0) {
            steps.error("Some error")

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As you can see, we use both the sh and error steps in our class, but instead of using them directly, we use the ContextRegistry to get an instance of IStepExecutor to call Jenkins steps with that. This way, we can swap out the context when we want to unit test the build() method later.

Now we can finish our ex_msbuild script:

import org.somecompany.ioc.ContextRegistry

def call(String solutionPath) {

    def msbuild = new MsBuild(solutionPath)

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First, we set the context with the context registry. Since we are not in a unit test, we use the default context. The this we pass into registerDefaultContext() will be saved by the DefaultContext inside its private _steps variable and is used to access Jenkins steps. After registering the context, we are free to instantiate our MsBuild class and call the build() method doing all the work.

Nice, our vars script is finished. Now we only have to write some unit tests for our MsBuild class.

Adding Unit Tests

At this point writing unit tests should be business as usual. We create a new test class MsBuildTest inside the test folder with package Before every test, we use Mockito to mock the IContext and IStepExecutor interfaces and register the mocked context. Then we can simply create a new MsBuild instance in our test and verify the behaviour of our build() method. The full test class with two example test:


import org.somecompany.IStepExecutor;
import org.somecompany.ioc.ContextRegistry;
import org.somecompany.ioc.IContext;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

 * Example test class
public class MsBuildTest {
    private IContext _context;
    private IStepExecutor _steps;

    public void setup() {
        _context = mock(IContext.class);
        _steps = mock(IStepExecutor.class);



    public void build_callsShStep() {
        // prepare
        String solutionPath = "some/path/to.sln";
        MsBuild build = new MsBuild(solutionPath);

        // execute;

        // verify

    public void build_shStepReturnsStatusNotEqualsZero_callsErrorStep() {
        // prepare
        String solutionPath = "some/path/to.sln";
        MsBuild build = new MsBuild(solutionPath);


        // execute;

        // verify

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You can use the green play buttons on left of the IntelliJ code editor to run the tests, which hopefully turn green.

Wrapping Things Up

That's basically it. Now it's time to setup your library with Jenkins, create a new job and run a Jenkinsfile to test your new custom ex_msbuild step. A simple test Jenkinsfile could look like this:

// add the following line and replace necessary values if you are not loading the library implicitly
// @Library('my-library@master') _

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('build') {
            steps {
                ex_msbuild 'some/path/to.sln'

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Obviously there is still a lot more I could have talked about (things like unit tests, dependency injection, Gradle, Jenkins configuration, build and testing the library with Jenkins itself etc.), but I wanted to keep this already very long blog post somewhat concise. I do hope however, that the general idea and approach became clear and helps you in creating a unit-testable shared library, that is more robust and easier to work on than it normally would be.

One last piece of advice: The unit tests and Gradle setup are pretty nice and help a ton in easing the development of robust shared pipelines, but unfortunately there is still quite a bit that can go wrong inside your pipelines even though the library tests are green. Things like the following, that mostly happen because of Jenkins' Groovy and sandbox weirdness:

  • a class that does not implement Serializable which is necessary, because "pipelines must survive Jenkins restarts"
  • using classes like inside your library, which is prohibited
  • Syntax and spelling errors in your Jenkinsfile

Therefore it might be a good idea to have Jenkins instance solely for integration testing, where new and modified vars scripts can be tested before going "live".

Again, feel free to write any kind of questions or feedback in the comments and take a look at the completed, working example library on GitHub.

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Top comments (32)

prestontim profile image
Tim Preston

This is a great article. My only criticism is that I wish I would have discovered it a couple of months ago before I coded absolutely everything in vars. I'm now in the middle of a massive refactor and it's all your fault. :-)

mcascone profile image

Uh oh, I've done exactly the same thing because i really can't wrap my head around the java package structure, i'm not a java guy; it makes a lot of sense to me to just have everything in /vars as single groovy scripts and call them as steps. How did the refactor go? Was it worth it?

prestontim profile image
Tim Preston

It was absolutely worth it (for me) because I'm a big proponent of unit testing. It just bugged me to have a huge repository of "untested" code that my whole enterprise is depending on. Our shared library has something like 80% unit test coverage right now (post refactor) and a deployment pipeline that makes sure that it doesn't regress.

Of course, your mileage will vary . I'm certainly not going to judge you if you're comfortable having all of your code in vars.

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mcascone profile image
Max • Edited

I agree completely in theory; i was just saying to the bosses today that

yes, [onboarding apps to the shared pipeline] is the priority, but the more apps we onboard, the more critical the robustness and reliability of the pipeline is. The more we are relying on it, the more we need to be able to maintain it without breaking it.

Is there a general pattern that develops when doing a refactor like this?

Whenever I start feeling like I'm some sort of jenkins guru, I come across an article like this that puts me in my place.

kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper

😅 Thanks for your feedback 👍

stevewallone profile image
Steve Wall

Thanks for the article Adrian!
Nice implementation. One piece of feedback, in the test case, it is accepting any string as valid input. I was wondering if it would be better if the test case asserted the specific string.

verify(_steps).sh(echo \"building some/path/to.sln...\")

kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper

Good catch, it probably would. Looks like I was a little bit lazy at the time of writing and just decided to with anyString() ;) Thanks for the feedback

hungluong profile image
Hung Luong

Just what I'm looking for!

I have a question: do you configure the library as global or non-global? I ran into some access control issue with Script Security while setting this up as a non-global so I'm assuming it should be global?

If that's the case then probably should be mentioned in the article :)

kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper • Edited

Interesting. I indeed only tested this with a global library. I will look into this as soon as I have some spare time. If you would like to help you can open an issue on Github.

Thanks for the feedback :)

Edit: Finally got around to do some testing, but could not reproduce your problems. The example Jenkinsfile worked for me with both a global and a folder specific library (which per default is untrusted and runs inside the groovy sandbox). Maybe you added some non-whitelisted classes, which caused your access control issues?

hungluong profile image
Hung Luong

Hi, thanks for getting back :)

The error I get was on calling the static method of ContextRegistry though. I'm not entirely sure to be honest, could be some weird versioning thing or something else. I'll try to open an issue when I get around to test it further.

shadycuz profile image

When I create a class I pass in the workflow script context in order to use steps.

Myclass example = new Myclass(this)

This allows me to use the pipeline steps in my class. Did you avoid this because its hard to test?

I personally feel like it might be a lot of technical debt to add every pipeline step I use to that interface you are using. I probably use 40-100 different steps in our company.

kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper

Jep, the main reason is testability. Outside of the Jenkins pipeline (e.g. during regular unit tests), the steps can't be called that easily. The interface therefore allows for mocking of the step calls. Adding all of them (or at least the used ones) to the interface is busy-work for sure, but not technical debt in my opinion. In my experience the most used steps by far are either bat or sh, which means that the IStepExecutor interface should not be that big.

But obviously its different in your case and having to mock 40-100 steps would mean a lot of boilerplate that no one really wants to write. You must decide for yourself, if the advantage of unit tests is worth the effort. Alternatively you could have a look at this blog post, which details a different approach to testing Jenkins Shared Libraries using jenkins-spock (no IStepExecutor interface needed 😉).

mccabep67 profile image

Thanks for the article Adrian, I have a question -
Since we are keeping the vars scripts as clean as possible do you know of any examples of how to perform more complex operations within the groovy "testable" sources?
Your example MsBuild.class is a good start but I'm struggling to find examples of an approach for performing git checkouts , builds etc. I'm new to JSL so I quite possibly have overestimated what can be wrapped in these classes.

We have tons of repeated code in Jenkins files and I have been tasked with implementing shared libraries. If I can do this create testable code that would be very cool...

Many thanks.

kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper

Hi, thanks for your comment :D Let me try to answer some questions:

  • If your are using declarative pipeline scripts the git checkout should be handled for you and does not have to be part of your library.
  • Jenkinsfiles are just a collection of command-line calls to be executed on the build agent. Doing a build therefore depends on the technology stack used. E.g. building a .NET Framework project would include a command-line call to MSBuild, while a Rust program would call cargo build. The latter could look somewhat like this inside the library
class CargoBuilder implements Serializable {

    void build() {
        IStepExecutor steps = ContextRegistry.getContext().getStepExecutor()

        // on windows agents use steps.bat("...")
        int returnStatus ="cargo build")
        if (returnStatus != 0) {
            steps.error("Cargo build failed.")
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Inside your Jenkinsfiles instead of writing cargo build each time, you could just write build (if your var script is called build.groovy of course). This is a very basic example (and only saves a single word), but in a real world example, the library can streamline the build process inside your organization and abstract away some of the more complicated command-line calls (e.g. by setting specific build parameters by default, which in turn can be omitted inside the Jenkinsfile).

  • I would keep the var scripts concentrated to a single task, e.g. building, testing, running metrics, deploying artifacts etc. Let's assume we wrote var scripts for all of these tasks, ex_build.groovy, ex_test.groovy, ex_metrics.groovy and ex_deploy_artifacts.groovy. Any Jenkinsfile, which before might have been very long, filled with strange parameters, paths and commands, could (more or less) be reduced to this:
@Library('my-library@1.0') _

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('build') {
            steps {
        stage('test') {
            steps {
        stage('metrics') {
            steps {
        stage('deploy artifacts') {
            steps {
                ex_deploy_artifacts 'some/path/to/artifact'
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(of course, this is still simplified).

Imo, the whole challenge of writing Jenkins shared libraries is collecting and wrapping all command-line calls necessary for your builds and make fitting abstractions that simplify your Jenkinsfiles and streamline your organizations build process. In the beginning this can be very difficult. (To be honest, before I was tasked in setting up Jenkins pipelines, I almost had no clue, which parts were involved in building our software. For me "a build" was just pressing the green play button in Visual Studio 🙈).

So, in your case, I would probably take a long and good look at your current Jenkinsfiles, write down which tools (e.g. MSBuild, cargo, npm, dotnet, maven, gradle) are used and how (parameters passed to the tools, which commands repeat between Jenkinsfiles, etc.). As soon as you have a good understanding of the current build process, you can start to extract the command-line calls of these tools into your library by creating fitting var scripts (e.g. ex_build.groovy) which in turn call a unit-tested "build" class. This class simply wraps the command-line call to the build tool (with"<the command>"); or if you are using windows-based build agents steps.bat("<the command>");). That's basically it.

I hope this wall of text clears things up a bit 😅 If not, don't be shy to ask any new questions 👍

mccabep67 profile image
mccabep67 • Edited

Wow.. What a fantastic reply. You do make perfect sense. I will be following your advice tomorrow. Starting by trawling through our jenkinsfiles and many many bash scripts to see what we can DRY (so to speak)
Thank you for expanding with more examples and so much detail. It's also nice to hear you started from a similar place.

Many thanks again



Thread Thread
kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper • Edited

You do make perfect sense.

I don't hear that very often 😄 Glad I could help

biskit1943 profile image
Maximilian Konter • Edited

Great Article! But one thing I could not wrap my Head around, how do you mock steps.node? I can't figure it out on how to test my sh command which is inside of a node...

kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper

You are using a Scripted Pipeline, right? Not sure how you could mock the node step (or any step that uses closures for that matter) as I'm only familiar with Declarative Pipelines. Sorry 🙈

Keep in mind that the goal of this article is to test your Jenkins Pipeline Library. Not the pipeline itself (aka the Jenkinsfile).

biskit1943 profile image
Maximilian Konter • Edited

Thank you for the reply.
Yes I'm using the Scripted Pipeline, but I use my SL to do some things on nodes. Anyway, I figured it out just now.

The following is my current code to mock node("<name>") {}:

// StepExecutor.groovy
void node(String name, Closure closure) {
    this._steps.node(name, closure)
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// SomeTest.groovy
void setUp() {
    doAnswer({ invocation ->
        String name = invocation.getArgument(0)
        Closure closure = invocation.getArgument(1)

    }).when(_steps).node(anyString(), any())
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My problem was to figure out what signature the method node had. This was
caused by the fact, that I did not know, that node("<name>") {} is the
same as node("<name>", {}).

So for anyone wondering how to mock the closure methods, this is the way.

@kuperadrian maybe you could include this in your article to help anyone who is in need of mocking a closure :)

bakito profile image
Marc Brugger

Hi Adrian

Thank you very much for the article.
I'm maintaining a shared library that I'd like to test more. I like your solution very much.

Some of my vars use the openshift client plugin.

openshift.withCluster() {
   openshift.withProject() {
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I was looking for a way to mock the calls to the openshift variable, but didn't find a way how to do that.

Have you ever tried something like that? / Do you have an idea how to do that?

f3rdy profile image

Hi Adrian,

I hope you're still reading here. I still have a problem of understanding how the steps are mocked and used in your example. I've managed to rework the testing to move to spock and get rid of all that java stuff.

Now the following. I created a ProjectVersionGetter class to encapsulate the fetching of the current version (which in turn is done by calling a gradle task in the project). For simplification and testing I return a hardly using the following class:

class ProjectVersionGetter implements Serializable {
  private Map _configuration

  ProjectVersionGetter(Map configuration) {
    _configuration = configuration

  void exec() {
    IStepExecutor steps = ServiceLocator.getContext().getStepExecutor()

    String version =,"echo \"\"")
    _configuration.put('projectVersion', version)

The vars file looks like this:

def call(configuration) {

  def projectVersionGetter = new ProjectVersionGetter(configuration)

So, I provide a configuration Map where the version should be kept. In my declarative pipeline, I've got a stage like this:

      stage("Fetch version") {
        steps {
          ex_getversion config
          script {
            currentBuild.displayName = "[${} ${config.projectVersion ?: 'No version set!'}"

My simple spock test shall verify, that the projectVersion is set to the configuration map and - for the matter of simplicity - it should be valued to "".

def setup() {
    _context = mock(IContext.class)
    _steps = mock(IStepExecutor.class)

  def "Version is returned in configuration"() {
    def configuration = Defaults.loadDefaults([:])

    and: "ensure mandatory keys are set"

    Defaults.getMandatoryKeys().each {
      configuration.put(it, "dummy_value")

    def projectVersionGetter = new ProjectVersionGetter(configuration)

    // verify(_steps).sh(anyString())
    configuration.containsKey('projectVersion') // FIXME: && configuration.get('projectVersion') == ''

The key is set, but to null. So, the main problem I have is with the line

    String version =,"echo \"\"")

So, I added to IStepExecutor and the Implementation a function to cover the return of the stdout to a String, so I can retrieve the version from the "gradle call" (in future):

interface IStepExecutor {
    int sh(String command)
    String sh(boolean returnStdout, String script)
    void error(String message)

The implementation is

    String sh(boolean returnStdout, String script) { returnStatus: true, returnStdout: returnStdout, script: "${script}"

Can you, or someone point me to the mistake I made?

Thanks a lot,

jcoelho profile image
José Coelho

Great article Adrian!
My team has a huge shared lib but we have 0 unit tests. I've been trying to find a way to test our library, I'm going to try and follow your examples.

Thanks a lot.

kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper

Cool, glad I could help :D

murashandme profile image

Thanks for great article, Adrian! It will go to my bookmarks!

I have a huge shared library with zero tests and every run of deployment pipeline is killing small peace of my soul. Hopefully, I'll try to cover it with unit tests.

Thanks for mention Serializable thing, this is pain for beginners.

kuperadrian profile image
Adrian Kuper

Jenkins pipelines can be exasperating indeed 🙈 Thanks for your comment 👍

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