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Vishal Yadav
Vishal Yadav

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Speech recognition

Language model

  • A statistical language model is a probability distribution over sequences of words. Given such a sequence, say of length m, it assigns a probability to the whole sequence.

  • The language model provides context to distinguish between words and phrases that sound phonetically similar. For example, in American English, the phrases "recognize speech" and "wreck a nice beach" sound similar, but mean different things.

  • Data sparsity is a major problem in building language models. Most possible word sequences are not observed in training. One solution is to make the assumption that the probability of a word only depends on the previous n words. This is known as an n-gram model or unigram model when n = 1. The unigram model is also known as the bag of words model.

acoustic model:

  • An acoustic model is used in automatic speech recognition to represent the relationship between an audio signal and the phonemes or other linguistic units that make up speech. The model is learned from a set of audio recordings and their corresponding transcripts. It is created by taking audio recordings of speech, and their text transcriptions, and using software to create statistical representations of the sounds that make up each word

  • Modern speech recognition systems use both an acoustic model and a language model to represent the statistical properties of speech. The acoustic model models the relationship between the audio signal and the phonetic units in the language. The language model is responsible for modeling the word sequences in the language. These two models are combined to get the top-ranked word sequences corresponding to a given audio segment.

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