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What inspires you as a developer?

I knew Product Hunt for a long time but I never used it until a couple of months ago when I installed the app. Nowadays it’s very tempting to open the app at least once a day and check the latest products. I have found it really inspiring to see others people work the same way painter probably feels in museums. Product Hunt is developer’s MoMA. It’s something about other’s work that motivate me to do own projects and invent things.

I started to think that maybe I could get some energy by not just always working on bigger projects but sometimes doing something really simple that might not make sense financially but make my life easier. My first thought was that it’s impossible to code anything useful in one day but then I started to think more and realized that it might be possible thanks to different kind of services like Firebase, AWS, and React Native.

I wanted to write my thoughts here to maybe get some feedback. What places you see as museums to our work? Do you follow some Youtube or other social media people who inspire you to invent things and build software?

Top comments (3)

shadid12 profile image
Shadid Haque

great question. For me personally I like to be very inspiring. check it out if you haven't yet :)

lankinen profile image

Seems like a great site. Thanks for suggestion. Btw is just a copy of some other website or is this the first community to developers? I probably will leave this right away if they just copied some bigger websites idea without adding anything unique. Indie Hackers at least seems like pretty much the same.

shadid12 profile image
Shadid Haque is more geared towards developers. Unlike medium this is totally open source, you can totally download the whole codebase for on github and create your own.. or you can contribute to it. But yeah it acts pretty much the same like medium, reddit or hackernews