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Laravel Lions
Laravel Lions

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Toppik Espana – Website Develoed By Laravel Lions

Toppik espana is an online hair products and hair fibers selling company in the Spain that offers good quality of products. They approached us with an ecommerce site whose design and development language was outdated compared to existing trends and designs, with the goal of expanding their business, they decide to revamping their website as their first step.

After analyzing the basic flow of the website it was essential for our team to decide the task that needed to be divided within the team. We had to complete the design as well as development the website within a time limit.

Existing website already contained most of the components, so it was easier to decide the sections that needed to be placed on different pages.

We improve overall site architecture and navigation to enable easier browsing and a more frictionless experience.

We create a more user-friendly and more visual product story with improved navigation and filtering. Reorganize content throughout the product to improve conversion the trust building.

Implement a fully responsive solution with improve SEO performance.

Website developed By Laravel Lions.

Hire Laravel Develoeprs from Laravel Lions.

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