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Top 10 Layer 1 Blockchains in 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, Layer 1 blockchains serve as the foundational bedrock upon which decentralized applications (dApps) and services are built. As we progress through 2024, several Layer 1 blockchains have emerged as leaders in the space, each bringing unique capabilities and innovations to the table. Whether you are a blockchain enthusiast, a business looking to integrate blockchain solutions, or planning to hire blockchain developers, understanding these top Layer 1 blockchains can provide valuable insights into the future of decentralization.

1. Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum continues to be the most prominent Layer 1 blockchain, known for its robust smart contract capabilities and vast developer community. With the successful transition to Ethereum 2.0, it now offers enhanced scalability and energy efficiency, making it a go-to choice for a wide range of applications.

2. Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Binance Smart Chain has gained significant traction due to its low transaction fees and fast confirmation times. It has become a popular platform for DeFi projects and NFT marketplaces, supported by a vibrant ecosystem fostered by Binance.

3. Solana (SOL)

Solana is renowned for its high throughput, boasting the ability to process thousands of transactions per second (TPS). Its innovative Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism ensures scalability without compromising security, making it a favorite for high-performance dApps.

4. Cardano (ADA)

Cardano stands out with its research-driven approach and peer-reviewed development process. Its Ouroboros Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol provides a secure and scalable foundation, attracting interest from blockchain consulting companies and developers worldwide.

5. Polkadot (DOT)

Polkadot enables interoperability between different blockchains through its unique relay chain and parachains architecture. This multi-chain approach allows for seamless communication and collaboration among diverse blockchain networks, fostering innovation and integration.

6. Avalanche (AVAX)

Avalanche is designed for high scalability and low latency, making it ideal for decentralized finance (DeFi) and enterprise solutions. Its consensus protocol, Avalanche, ensures quick finality and security, attracting a growing number of blockchain development companies.

7. Tezos (XTZ)

Tezos offers a self-amending blockchain, allowing it to evolve and upgrade without hard forks. Its on-chain governance model and energy-efficient Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus have made it a preferred choice for projects emphasizing sustainability and governance.

8. Algorand (ALGO)

Algorand's Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS) consensus ensures fast and secure transactions with minimal energy consumption. It has become a popular platform for financial applications, supply chain solutions, and more, supported by its scalable and robust infrastructure.

9. Cosmos (ATOM)

Cosmos aims to create an "Internet of Blockchains" through its Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. This enables different blockchains to communicate and transact with each other, fostering a connected and interoperable blockchain ecosystem.

10. Near Protocol (NEAR)

Near Protocol focuses on usability and developer experience, offering easy-to-use tools and a developer-friendly environment. Its sharding-based architecture ensures scalability and performance, making it an attractive option for building decentralized applications.


The top Layer 1 blockchains in 2024 showcase the diverse and dynamic nature of the blockchain landscape. Each platform brings its unique strengths and innovations, catering to different use cases and industries. For businesses looking to integrate blockchain solutions, partnering with a blockchain consulting company can provide the expertise needed to navigate this complex ecosystem. Whether you need to develop customized blockchain applications or want to explore the potential of decentralized finance, hiring a skilled blockchain developer is crucial to unlocking the full potential of these cutting-edge platforms. As we move forward, these Layer 1 blockchains will continue to shape the future of decentralization, driving innovation and transformation across the globe.

Top comments (2)

ayme_assis4 profile image
Ayme Assis

Hello guys, I had a challenging time a few weeks ago. I transferred ETH from my Kucoin to my Metamask. I never saw the ETH on my wallet. I opened ether scan to see what happened to my Transaction and it shows me that my ETH was transferred direct to another address. The gas fee was much higher than the actual transferred Eth value. I tried to recover my money but it was difficult, since I don't know this address. To get my money back I had to seek the help of a recovery team on Hackrecovery AT yandex DOt ru, and with their support, I got my money recovered. Couldn't afford to lose such an amount of money.

icolomina profile image
Nacho Colomina Torregrosa

Great! I would add Stellar Blockchain to your list. It has low fees and has recently released its own smart contracts plataform Soroban.

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