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Snippets for Vanilla JS Coding

Lea Rosema (she/her) on July 21, 2018

When coding in VanillaJS, I usually create shortcuts for document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll. I also like to declare D as a shortc...
1hko profile image
1hko • Edited

Instead of startNode||D I would recommend default arguments – it's exactly the reason they were added to the language

const $$ = (selector, elem = D) =>
learosema profile image
Lea Rosema (she/her)

Good point :)

learosema profile image
Lea Rosema (she/her) • Edited

Another option is to attach the on method plus to the NodeList prototype instead:

const $$ = (selector, startNode = D) => startNode.querySelectorAll(selector) =
NodeList.prototype.on = function(type, listener, options) { => {
    if (el instanceof Element) {
      el.addEventListener(type, listener, options)
  return this // for chaining

This keeps the Array prototype clean =).

the_fln profile image
Francois Lanthier Nadeau

Short but sweet post, Lea! 🙌

Found it while researching our story on vanilla JS. Also been working on an open source list of paid & free quality resources for devs to learn vanilla JS--open for PRs. Maybe I should add an "article" section with content such as yours?

learosema profile image
Lea Rosema (she/her)

Hi Franck, thank you! I love your list of resources for Vanilla JS. Feel free to add it as you like :)

kapouer profile image
Jérémy Lal

Hi, ignoring with which document you're working is a quick way to bang your head to the wall. Always keep a reference to which document you're in:

HTMLDocument.prototype.$ = HTMLDocument.prototype.querySelector
HTMLDocument.prototype.$$ = HTMLDocument.prototype.querySelectorAll

A shorthand for document, why not:

window.doc = window.document

Everything's nice now, you need to work off-line ?

var offdoc = doc.cloneNode()
// mind that some browsers don't create offdoc.documentElement so
if (!offdoc.documentElement) offdoc.appendChild(offdoc.createElement('html'))
offdoc.documentElement.innerHTML = '<head></head><body></body>'
// this won't load the file
offdoc.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', '<script src="toto.js"></script>')
// and this still works
learosema profile image
Lea Rosema (she/her) • Edited

In this case, another option is to define another shortcut for documents other than document. For example, you can move the $ function definition inside a function that takes a document as a parameter:

function insertScriptIntoDocument(doc, jsfile) { 
  const $o = doc.querySelector.bind(doc)
  const script = document.createElement('script')
  script.setAttribute('src', jsFile)
  $o`head`.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', script)
hjfitz profile image

I like that you monkey-patch Array#on - but is there ever an instance that a NodeList returned from querySelector wouldn't return an Element?

What I'm trying to ask is:

Is if (el instanceof Element) a necessary check?

learosema profile image
Lea Rosema (she/her)

The reason I did the check is that NodeList gets converted into an Array via the $$ function. NodeLists are read-only and always contain Element elements, so it is safe to call addEventListener on them without the check. Arrays are not read-only and the array elements are not safe from reassignment.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great tips

flykasual profile image
Johannes Nielsen

Great article!
I am not sure how I feel about altering built-in prototypes, I generally like to keep those clean. But the jquery-like syntax and the ability to chain event listeners without having to actually use jQuery is super sweet! 👌

itaditya profile image
Aditya Agarwal

We should avoid mutating the Array prototype though. That's why MooTools SmooshGate happened. Good post though, short and simple

brianemilius profile image
Brian Emilius

Love it!
Definitely going to incorporate this in my snippet library.

efeichen profile image

Another Lea happens to have made something similar:

learosema profile image
Lea Rosema (she/her) • Edited

Yes, Bliss.js by Lea Verou also provide the $ and $$ shortcuts for querySelector and querySelectorAll, plus more functions that make it a fully-fledged, powerful and lightweight framework.