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Martin Cartledge
Martin Cartledge

Posted on • Originally published at on

What Success Means to Me

wall garden

Success is a funny word.

It can drive someone completely insane or make them feel completely at peace.

If you asked five different people what they consider success, you would probably get five different answers.

I think that is a good thing though. I consider the meaning and pursuit of success to be an art form, unique to every single person on the planet.

I am willing to bet, that over the years your taste in any form of art (photography, illustration, music, movies, books, etc) has changed. I would also assume that you enjoy that these preferences have evolved over time.

This is what I consider growth to be.

If someone asked you what success meant to you when you were ten years old, chances are your answer would be far more simple than it would be today, but it does not have to be.

For the longest time, I tied success to a career, a job title, and how much money was in my bank account.

Personally, as I get older, I realize that success is broken into two categories.

  • The happiness of loved ones
  • Personal fulfillment in my job and hobbies

These categories fluctuate and continually evolve but, I think that is good.

I think success can (and should) mean something different for everyone; however, I think it is a necessary indicator to be aware of because it encourages growth.

This does not mean growing a bank account or a business. Growth can be cleaning out your garage more frequently, or learning to say โ€œIโ€™m sorryโ€ more often.

That is the beauty, growth is what you make it!

2021 has just begun, and I know many of us are excited to have a new start.

Regardless of what your personal definition of success is, I hope you find it this year.

Top comments (2)

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney ๐Ÿ‘พ

Thanks for writing this
Although I am at the start of my career but I couldn't agree more with you.

All the best for your future endeavours ๐Ÿ˜‡

lexingdailylife profile image
Martin Cartledge

same to you!