DEV Community

Lindsay Kelly
Lindsay Kelly

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Nevertheless, Lindsay Kelly Coded

I began coding because...

I first became curious about learning to code when I was asked to write an article for a client about how to implement responsive design. I was inspired to take my first online course when I received feedback about my company's web app being difficult to use and navigate. And I knew I needed to take my side hobby more seriously when I realized I felt a greater sense of fulfillment from solving simple algorithms than I did at my "real" job.

I'm currently hacking on...

I've been spending some of my free time exploring mobile development, which can be as simple as building small sticker apps in Xcode or building out larger applications on React Native. It is interesting to apply principles that I'm used to in web development to a different forum. Plus, I think it's healthy to remind myself what it feels like to be a newbie on a regular basis.

I'm excited about...

Oh gosh. The short answer is anything and everything. I love learning about new technologies, or just finding different ways to accomplish tasks I'm familiar with. To me, working in tech is signing on for a lifetime in which you'll always be learning. That idea is what keeps me excited on a pretty permanent basis.

My advice for other women who code is...

Keep going. Sometimes things will be hard, whether it's because of an unfamiliar technology, challenging team dynamics, or feeling like you are isolated in your learning process. But keep in mind that every piece of technology we use today seemed impossible until somebody built it. You have the power to create and do incredible things, it's just a matter of perseverance. And sometimes the difficult journeys become your favorite part of the process.

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