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Luis Linares
Luis Linares

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First Reactjs Project

This project was about the famous movie Star Wars and the instructions were to build a minimalist version of the Star Wars Databank with a “Read Later” or “Favorites” list functionality.

📝 Instructions

Use Bootstrap components, you need almost no custom CSS.
Take some time to understand the API, this will be our source of information, and we will be consuming this API.
Fetch the SWAPI people, vehicles, and planets, and display them on your application.
Declare a favorites array in your central store and allow the user to add or remove favorites.
In this project I learn so much, finally, with the help of the force I use all my power to make this work, using my knowledge of Javascript, ReactJs, Bootstrap, and HTML5. With the help of my teacher I was able to do this I think in a week.

The imposter syndrome was one of the things I battle along doing this project because sometimes the code does exactly what I tell them to do (nothing).

Working with React is not easy for me, people tell me that React is just like building something with little blocks, but is not just that, you really need to have a lot of creativity because the things you can do with Reacjs have no limits and this just makes me go beyond just the basic and keep learning and learning, not to be a master Jedi, but to just to feel comfortable to make a good product in the future and work harder every day.

Here is the Vercel deployment

and here you can see the code

Let me know what you think and what should I improve and I believe I can improve a lot.

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