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CLI Project (Using an API)

I made it guys! I did a whole project with little to no instruction & my creativity to drive me!
I decided to use an API as I found one that deals with Studio Ghibli. I knew I would have to find something I would enjoy seeing over & over again plus that awesome satisfaction of seeing it all working!
I have made a greeting for my users to see once they start my project and prompt them to "begin" or "exit". I hope they enter begin as they will find a list of films from Studio Ghibli that they will learn more about!
The user will be shown the film title, director, a small description, release date & Rotten Tomatoes score of the film they chose. It will then prompt them to "begin" again of "exit".
If they chose to "begin", that previous list will be shown to them once more as half of the list will get cut off after a film or 2 & I wanted to make it user friendly although it might seem repetitive.
If the user got so excited with getting bitesize information about the films & wants to "exit" to go watch one, they will be told farewell in a Studio Ghibli fashion.

I am so happy with how my project turned out as I even used a colorize gem to make it look fun!
Want to see what all the fun is about? You can download it & try it out!

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